Statement from Senator Stec on U.S. Supreme Court Decision to Strike Down Concealed Carry Law

Daniel G. Stec

July 3, 2024

“In a unanimous decision today, the United States Supreme Court stated what myself, my Senate Republican colleagues and Second Amendment supporters have been saying since it was passed in 2022: the Democrats’ Concealed Carry Improvement Act is unconstitutional. This is a major victory for lawful gun owners.

“In their disdain for the Second Amendment and rush to score political points, Democrat leaders continue to trample upon the rights of our residents. I’m pleased that the Supreme Court saw this, made the right call and took action to preserve the constitutional right to bear arms.

“I voted against this legislation and have repeatedly spoken out against its infringement upon the rights of our residents. Now that it has been remanded to a lower court for further examination, I look forward to that court fully striking down this ill-conceived, hyper-partisan and unconstitutional law.”