NYS State Senator Iwen Chu joins family of Xiaohong Chen and Community Leaders to call for support.

Iwen Chu

January 21, 2024

Xiaohong Chen, Dyker Heights resident, was fatally struck in a car accident on January 16, 2024 at the intersection of 13th Avenue and Bay Ridge Avenue. She died of serious injuries after being sent to the hospital. She leaves behind her husband, Wei Zhao, and their 14-year-old son. 

NYS Senator Iwen Chu visited Mr. Zhao after the tragic loss of his wife and learned about their devastating situation. As the primary caretaker, Ms. Chen had a close relationship with their 14-year-old son. His education is on hold as he waits for counseling during this difficult time. The family faces uncertain future as Ms. Chen was the main source of income as a worker at a garment factory. They are facing high expenses such as burial costs, next month’s rent, mental health counseling, and more. Community members rallied and called for support after the family set up a Go Fund Me page.


“My heart breaks for Mr. Zhao and his son as they grieve this unimaginable loss. As a mother myself, I cannot imagine what her loss means to this family. No family should be going through this pain. I’m here for Mr. Zhao and his son, to help them get through this difficult time. We must step up as a community and assist this family. Another tragedy to remind us that we must strengthen pedestrian safety.” said NYS Senator Iwen Chu. 


“Our family is in pain and deep sorrow. My son had an inseparable bond with his mom, who was a hard working person and very caring mother. While I had to go out of State to find work, she took care of our son in every way possible. Without her, we do not know how we will manage to survive between rent and other living expenses.” said Wei Zhao, husband of Xiaohong Chen.


Community groups such as Chinese-Planning Council (CPC), Homecrest Community Services, Parent-Child Relationship Association, United Chinese Association, UA3, Chinese American Social Services, NY TEAMS UP, Chonglau USA, and Fujian United Seniors of the USA stand with and amplify the call for support for this family during this difficult time.