Statement on the Recent Violence in Manhattan

Kristen Gonzalez

November 19, 2024

I’m horrified by the senseless violence that took place across Manhattan yesterday. 

One thing is clear: our mental health system is in crisis. We need more mental health service workers. We need to ensure that mental healthcare services are accessible for those in need. We need to support mental health outreach by local nonprofits. 

We’ve seen too many victims of senseless violence on our streets this year, and have been working closely with fellow elected officials, NYPD, community leaders, stakeholders, mental health providers and others, to find short and long term solutions that work for Manhattan. Everyone deserves to feel safe in our community, and we will continue to work together to make sure our community is safe for everyone.

I mourn with the loved ones of Angel Lata Landi, Wilma Augustin, and the third unnamed victim. Let us stand united against violence, and strive for a safer, more secure New York.