Statement From Senator Canzoneri-Fitzpatrick On Governor Hochul’s State of the State Address

Senator Canzoneri-Fitzpatrick responds to the State of the State Address
It is clear that the suggested solutions proposed in the State of the State Address fall short of tackling the underlying causes of the challenges that our state is currently facing.

The Governor’s State of the State failed to deliver on a realistic, comprehensive plan to address New York’s affordability and safety crises, which have been created solely by the policies brought on by one-party control.

I was encouraged by proposals from the Governor to invest in youth mental health, childcare, and increased efforts to combat hate crimes throughout our state – all initiatives that are to be applauded, and I will work to advance these efforts. Especially important is the proposal to have mental health coordinators in each school which I proposed as an amendment to last year’s budget.  However, New Yorker’s realize that many of the challenges that the Governor pledges to address are a result of the policies coming out of Albany.

If the Governor is truly aiming to pursue common sense ideas, it is incumbent upon her to acknowledge that the challenges our state is confronting stem from policies that favor criminal activities and failed budgetary policies that result in ever increasing taxes dictated by the most radical wings of both houses of the legislature. Residents are not fleeing New York in droves over a simple ‘lack of housing’ – rather, they are fleeing an increased cost of living, decreased public safety, and out-of-control spending and taxation.