Senator Gallivan's Votes for June 5, 2024
Jim Ranney
June 10, 2024
- NYS Senate

The following bills were approved in the NYS Senate. Senator Gallivan's vote is noted.
S5500B COSPONSOR Requires an agency responding to a request for public employee disciplinary records to develop a policy to notify the public employee whose personal information is subject to the request. AYE
S349B This bill eliminates the statute of limitations for the commencement of a criminal proceeding for the offenses of sex trafficking and sex trafficking of a child. AYE
S1807 Requires the state to keep state lottery winners' identities anonymous to the general public unless the lottery winner gives their consent. AYE
S7655 This bill seeks to restore to the Senate full and proper advice and consent power regarding nominations of chief executive officers of the NYS Dormitory, NYS Thruway Authority, New York Power Authority, and the Long Island Power Authority. AYE
S6929 Amends the Workers' Compensation Law by raising the limit for treatment costing less than $1,000 to $1,500 to be done without prior approval and clarifying that the list of pre-authorized procedures shall be issued and maintained solely for the purpose of expediting authorization of treatment of injured workers and not be used as a basis for denying treatment not contained therein. AYE
S7838 Requires the workers' compensation board to submit a supplemental report every year, including recommendations to modernize such board and certain data regarding claims made and decisions rendered on such claims. AYE
S2894 This bill amends the Family Health Care Decisions Act (codified under chapter 8 of the laws of 2010) in relation to Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) health care decisions for adult patients by surrogates and without surrogates. NAY (Gives too much discretion to medical professionals and not enough discretion to the patients who will be most affected in such matters.)
S3128 Amends the Real Property Tax Law to allow income eligibility of applicants to be verified annually by the department, and the assessing authority will not need to request income documentation. AYE
S8464 Currently, the electoral college meets at the state capitol at a place set by the secretary of state on the first Monday after the second Wednesday in December. This bill changes that to the first Tuesday after the second Wednesday in December. AYE
S8439 Authorizes one percent of mobile sports tax revenue, but not less than six million dollars, to be used for problem gambling. AYE
S6606A Authorizes the attorney general to approve certain state land acquisitions made for the purposes of land conservation, and to accept a title policy from a commercial insurer to cover any title defects that would otherwise render the title unmarketable. AYE
S3227A This bill prohibits private health insurance companies from requiring prior authorization for pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP). Moreover, all insurers must provide coverage for PrEP to prevent HIV infection at no costsharing and cover screening for HIV infection at no costsharing. NAY (Private health insurance plans should be afforded the ability to implement prior authorization as is currently permitted in the Medicaid program.)
S8784 Requires the department of motor vehicles compile a list of veterans who apply for a veteran driver's license and provide such list to the department of veterans' services to aid in outreach efforts by the department of veterans' services. AYE
S4493A This bill relates to civil actions involving public petition and participation, and expands the Anti-SLAPP (Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation) Law to include actions initiated based on an internal discrimination complaint or allegation made to an employer. AYE
S4353 Amends the alcoholic beverage control law by adding a new subdivision 9, which prohibits retail licensees from selling alcoholic beverages to individuals inside of motor vehicles (as defined in vehicle and traffic law). AYE
S8471 Amends the Penal law to include any felony committed regarding animal fighting within the Enterprise Corruption statute's definition of "criminal act" thereby providing sentencing enhancements for certain animal fighting offenses. AYE
S4363A Prohibits the participation of certain animals in traveling animal acts; prohibits the department of environmental conservation from issuing permits or licenses allowing participation of certain animals in traveling animal acts; excludes certain permanent performing institutions; imposes a civil penalty not to exceed $1000 for a violation. NAY
S3174 Authorizes the transfer of pregnant and postpartum incarcerated individuals to residential treatment facilities; requires annual reporting on the number of such incarcerated individuals transferred. AYE
S5242A Prohibits insurers from reducing disability benefits due to the actual or anticipated receipt of social security disability benefits unless certain conditions are met. AYE
S6688A Prohibits the application of fail-first or step therapy protocols to coverage for the diagnosis and treatment of serious mental health conditions; defines serious mental health condition. AYE
S8750 Enacts the "pediatric cancer neuropsychological needs assessment act"; requires insurers to provide coverage for neuropsychological assessments for children with pediatric cancers which affect brain development or function. AYE
S8410A Expands the training time for local municipalities in relation to the open meetings law; requires at least one hour of such training be provided by the committee on open government or an appropriate entity in relation to compliance with the open meetings law and if not provided, a justification shall be given. NAY (No evidence 4 hours is insufficient.)
S7125A Prohibits mortgagees from requiring mortgagors of certain residential real property to purchase flood insurance exceeding a coverage amount that exceeds the balance as of the beginning of the year for which the policy shall be in effect, or that includes coverage for contents. AYE
S4792 This bill would require managed care organizations and health insurance plans to approve or deny a request for nursing home care within 24 hours of receiving the information necessary to make such determination. AYE
S7504 This bill would expand who can hold membership in an adult-use cannabis cooperative license by removing the requirement that a licensed be a natural person. AYE
S4361 Amends the labor law to require employers to inform employees signing non-disclosure agreements that they retain the right to report to law enforcement, the equal employment opportunity commission, the division of human rights, a local human rights commission or an attorney retained by the employee. AYE
S5808A Amends Section 8011 of the Civil Practice Law and Rules, to increase the fixed fees for sheriffs and marshals for the performance of their duties so that such fees reflect the rate of inflation. NAY
S7849 Establishes the native plant seed supply, development and enhancement program. AYE
S8877 Establishes a new title within the EnCon law named "Marine and Coastal Debris Prevention and Mitigation". AYE
S9222 Creates the jockey health insurance reserve fund for the payment of premiums not yet paid; provides for the return of funds if such reserve fund becomes no longer necessary. AYE
S4603A Permits expungement for individuals previously convicted under Section 2307 of the public health law. NAY
S8617 Directs the state energy planning board to conduct a study on time frames for replacing or upgrading battery energy storage systems at renewable energy facilities in preparation for clean energy storage and distribution across the state. AYE
S6457 Directs the department of transportation to conduct a traffic and planning study on the feasibility of transforming the Harriman campus in connection with the relocation of the Wadsworth Laboratory at Harriman; directs a report on the findings of such study to be delivered within one year of effectiveness. AYE
S6602A Relates to participation in World Trade Center rescue, recovery and cleanup operations by members of the organized militia; provides that members of the organized militia shall qualify as employees for the purposes of making a claim under the workers' compensation law for participation in the World Trade Center rescue, recovery and cleanup operations. AYE
S8575A Enacts the "home utility weatherization jobs act"; requires each gas corporation, electric corporation, or combination gas or electric corporation to submit to the public service commission for review and approval a pilot weatherization program plan. AYE
S4733A Requires social media influencers to disclose when they share on social media that they are being paid by a campaign; authorizes the state board of elections to promulgate certain regulations. AYE
S7845 This bill establishes a definition and provisions regarding pet insurance. AYE
S9420 Relates to parametric insurance; requires insurers providing parametric insurance include certain disclosures in the application for the policy; makes related provisions. AYE
S9421 Requires insurance policies which cover certain water or water-borne material damage also cover certain damage caused directly or indirectly by an excluded peril contributing concurrently or in any sequence. AYE
S6537A Decreases the frequency of lock-down drills in schools; directs that such drills shall be implemented with a trauma informed approach; permits parents to opt their children out of such drills. NAY
S9366 This bill would amend the Financial Services Law by adding a new section 813 to create a safe harbor from liability for lenders who comply with financial disclosure requirements in the financial services law. AYE
S8382B Authorizes hunting big game by rifle in the county of Niagara except within the city of Niagara Falls, the city of Lockport and the city of North Tonawanda. AYE
S4881B This bill proposes several amendments to section 366 of the social services law, focusing on Medicaid eligibility criteria for certain groups. It aims to increase the asset limit for Medicaid applicants and recipients who are 65 years or older, certified blind, or certified disabled to $300,000. NAY (While it would allow people to keep their earned money, it will increase costs to Medicaid.)
S6715B Designates all that portion of the state highway system constituting New York state route 109 bridge over the southern state parkway in the town of Babylon, Suffolk county, as the "Lieutenant Commander Phillip Wayne Johnson Memorial Bridge". AYE
S7703B Requires limited use motorcycles to be registered at point of sale. AYE
S4877A This bill amends the prompt contracting provisions for state contracts with not for profit organizations to require state agencies to register contracts with such organizations within 30 days of the start of any such contract. AYE
S5234 This bill would amend section 153 of the Executive Law to require the Department of State and Department of Economic Development and Department of Education to provide technical assistance upon the request of a municipality experiencing a college closure to address issues. AYE
S8485B COSPONSOR Provides for the types of damages that may be awarded to the persons for whose benefit an action for wrongful death is brought. AYE
S8752A Beginning June 30, 2027, this provides for automatic voter registration and preregistration for persons applying for certain department of motor vehicles (DMV) documentation, such as an application for a motor vehicle driver's license, a driver's license renewal, or an identification card, or any renewal, recertification, or reexamination transaction for such documents, or any change of address or name form for such documents. NAY (Personal choice. Burden on Board of Elections.)
S9249 Provides that it shall be unlawful for any person to purchase, deal in, sell or rescue cattle, swine, horses, cervids, camelids, sheep, goats or poultry or to operate an auction where such animals are sold unless a valid domestic animal health permit is held. AYE
S1647A Provides for a quorum of one quarter of the members and the presiding officer of a community board physically be present at a location where the public can attend for such board to conduct videoconferencing. AYE
S1694B Creates the NY State Grid Modernization Commission. AYE
S5081C Establishes the warehouse worker injury reduction program; requires employers to establish an injury reduction program designed to identify and minimize the risks of musculoskeletal injuries and disorders among workers involved in performing manual materials handling tasks. NAY
S5732 Establishes within the NYS DOH a Health Emergency Response Data System (HERDS), to collect statistical data related to public health emergencies and health care services related to public health emergencies, so that the department, as well as other government entities, health care providers and the public is better able to understand and respond to such emergencies. AYE
S6459 Provides all child protective service employees with supportive mental health services and resources. AYE
S6670A Establishes the COVID-19 livery vehicle recovery act. AYE (Eases restrictions of forhire-licenses and incentivizes drivers to renew their licenses.)
S6997B This bill modifies the eligibility criteria for the Digital Gaming tax credit by changing the yearly timeframe structure, lowering the dollar threshold per production, and removing the in-state cost incurred threshold. AYE
S7233B Empowers the commissioner of education to declare a disaster has substantially impacted an annual meeting and election and to allow school boards to set an additional day for voting if less than eight percent of registered voters cast ballots as a direct consequence of a disaster. AYE
S7683 Relates to defining veteran; includes national guard members who have served for at least twenty years, part of which was during any war or period of hostilities. AYE
S7869B Requires DHCR to develop a common application and web portal for certain funding, tax credits, loans, and grants for housing; requires such application to be available upon request from relevant state agencies; requires such web portal to be manageable by relevant state agencies; makes relevant provisions. AYE
S7874 Establishes a state frontotemporal degeneration registry. AYE
S7974A Renames the Christopher Street-Sheridan Square subway station on the IRT Broadway-Seventh Avenue line the "Christopher Street-Stonewall National Monument station." AYE
S8182B Requires telemarketers to provide certain information no later than the first thirty seconds of the commencement of a call; requires telemarketers to disclose the address of any company on whose behalf the telemarketer is providing telemarketing services on any website owned or operated by the telemarketer and in written communication to customers. AYE
S8367B This bill requires health insurers (including medical expense indemnity corporations, hospital service corporations, health service corporations) and Medicaid to provide coverage for antiviral therapeutics approved or granted emergency use authorization by the FDA for treatment of COVID-19 when prescribed by a licensed health care provider. AYE
S8482 Provides public access to epinephrine auto-injector devices at schools; establishes public access epinephrine auto-injector device providers. AYE
S8483 Authorizes the establishment of permanent COVID-19 memorials. AYE
S8726B This bill updates Vehicle and Traffic Law Section 1224 by increasing the threshold under which ownership of an abandoned vehicle immediately vests in the local authority from $1,250 to $3,000. AYE
S8767 This bill would increase the SSI Enhanced Residential Care Monthly rate from $1,608 to $1,768 per month or by 10 percent. AYE
S8875 Directs the New York city transit authority and metropolitan transportation authority to ensure the proper operation of security cameras at subway stations and report thereon. AYE
S8892A Directs the office of children and family services to establish a center for fatherhood initiatives to issue grants to any and all initiatives regarding the promotion and advancement of fatherhood, including but not limited to all marginalized fatherhood groups to help expand opportunities to improve parenting knowledge, attitudes, and self-efficacy. AYE
S8927 This bill reduces the amount of names needed on recommendations for the Long Island Rail Road Commuter Council from the county executives of Nassau, Suffolk, Queens, or Brooklyn County. NAY (Local opposition.)
S9008 This bill would amend the social services law to extend and clarify the expenses that adoptive parents can cover for birth mothers. AYE
S9053 Exempts certain other than for-profit community gardens from payment for water usage and supply. AYE
S9424 This bill authorizes the family court to hear applications to change the name of a child, as part of a pending, related proceeding, upon consent of all of the parties. AYE
S9687 This bill amends several parts of election law relating to the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Act of New York. NAY
S9701 Provides that the payment of interest on an education loan and Roth IRA deposits shall be qualified withdrawals under the New York state college choice tuition savings program. AYE
S1155A The bill is designed to enhance transparency, consumer safety, and accountability among 'self-help practitioners' by requiring them to disclose potential risks to clients and implement risk management plans during their services. AYE
S1755C Establishes a temporary state commission to conduct a feasibility study to evaluate and make recommendations concerning the formation and control of a state public bank. NAY (Taxes would have to be raised to fund capitalization and operational costs.)
S2003A Establishes a chief sustainability officer to coordinate efforts across state agencies and other state government entities to address climate change mitigation and climate sustainability efforts. NAY (Not necessary. Agencies can handle.)
S2774A This bill would allow municipalities to levy property taxes on possessory interests of private individuals and corporations who operate on tax-exempt real property for business purposes. NAY (Increased Taxes.)
S3353A Amends the general municipal law by adding a new article 13-e entitled "municipal websites". NAY (Unfunded mandated. Cost to implement.)
S5256 This bill prohibits the use of a "confession of judgment" (COJ) provision in any contract or agreement for a financial product or service regulated under the banking and insurance law. AYE
S7181B This bill would allow New York City Employees (NYCERS) Tier 4 and Tier 6 members, who are members of a dispatcher twenty-five year retirement and were older than age 30 when they joined the plan, another 180 day period to opt out f the plan by filing elections not to participate. AYE
S7224B This bill would amend Section 604-b of the Retirement and Social Security Law which provides New York City Transit Authority members with a 25 year age 55 retirement program. AYE
S7588A Designates a portion of the state highway system as the "NYPD Detective Brian P. Simonsen Memorial Bridge" located in the town of Brookhaven, Suffolk County. AYE
S9433 Extends provisions relating to certain real property to be conveyed to the town of Huntington for one year. AYE
S9605 Authorizes the acceptance of an application for a retroactive property tax exemption from the Center for Jewish Life of Hewlett Inc. for a portion of the 2021--2022 school year taxes and a portion of the 2022 general year assessment roll. AYE
S9606 Authorizes the county of Nassau assessor to accept an application for a real property tax exemption from the Lighthouse International Christian Gathering. AYE
S9607 Authorizes the town of Hempstead, in the county of Nassau, to establish a speed limit of less than 30 miles per hour on certain highways in the community of Lido Beach. AYE
S9714 Relates to authorizing an occupancy tax in the village of Medina in Orleans county not to exceed two percent of the per diem rental rate for each room; provides for the repeal of such provisions upon the expiration thereof. NAY (New Tax.)
S9725 Allows the town of Clarkstown, in the county of Rockland to levy a five percent hotel or motel tax upon persons occupying hotel or motel rooms in such town. NAY (New Tax.)
S9740 Authorizes the town of Ramapo, in the county of Rockland, to levy a five percent hotel or motel tax upon persons occupying hotel or motel rooms in such town. NAY (New Tax.)
S9753 Extends provisions of the real property tax law relating to the residential-commercial exemption program to September 23, 2027. This would extend this program in Livingston and Steuben counties. AYE
S1865B Requires student identification cards to contain the new national suicide prevention lifeline number, 9-8-8. B PRINT - Requires higher education institutions to establish an education campaign to educate students, faculty and staff about the 9-8-8 line. AYE
S2355A This bill amends the Family Court Act to provide that the Family Courts in New York City shall remain open until midnight on at least one day each week 1) in at least 2 NYC counties beginning January 1, 2024; and 2) in at least 3 NYC counties beginning January 2, 2025. AYE
S2727B This is a sunshine bill that would require Department of State to electronically transmit a copy of every certificate of incorporation that has been filed on behalf of a municipal corporation, state or local authority or district. NAY (Limits local decision making related to LDCs)
S1576B Establishes the For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology ("FIRST") robotics competition. AYE
S2127C Establishes an indirect source review for heavy distribution warehouse operations. NAY (Ensures compliance with state mandates under the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act.)
S5240 Permits consent for service in the form of magnetic tape or through electronic means for certain collection procedures by the sheriff's office or an officer or employee of the department of taxation and finance. AYE
S5499A This bill increases the threshold for which 501(c)3 nonprofit entities must file and register as a lobbyist from $5,000 to $10,000. AYE
S5703B Prohibits the use of social media platforms for the purposes of debt collection. AYE
S5910B Requires all public colleges and universities in the state to provide menstrual products in the restrooms of such school building or buildings. Such products shall be provided at no charge to students. NAY
S6619 Relates to exempting certain fire department officers of the Village of Hancock fire department from a New York state residency requirement. AYE
S6996A Increases the number of county court judges in Schenectady county from one judge to two. AYE
S7483A This bill seeks to expand continuing care retirement communities (CCRCs) throughout New York. AYE
S7609B Establishes the "no severance ultimatums act", which prevents employers from giving coercive ultimatums to employees or former employees relating to such employee's severance from employment. NAY (Imposition on business.)
S8147B Creates a banking development district working group to assess the banking development district program and provide an annual report to the governor and legislature on the strengths and weaknesses of such program; defines unbanked and underbanked. AYE
S8398 GALLIVAN Authorizes the Iroquois central school district to establish an insurance reserve fund. AYE
S8491A This bill would establish the New York state museum partnership trust to serve as a focal point for the receipt and administration of private gifts, devises and bequests of real and personal property donated to further historic preservation, advance cultural education, and enhance the state museum. AYE
S8626A This bill expands what records utility corporations must provide to the PSC in customer disputes, prohibits a utility from closing a call center in New York state without permission from the PSC, and establishes penalties for failure to comply with these provisions. AYE
S8677B Directs every peer-to-peer mobile service to require users to create a personal identification code associated with the user's account that is required to be used when certain actions are taken and to require users to set a monetary amount for intended transfers above which the use of a personal identification number will be required to authenticate the user's identity. AYE
S8686 Authorizes the city of Buffalo to offer an optional twenty year retirement plan to firefighters Rhiannon Maguire and Jeffrey Brett. AYE
S8714A Grants peace officer status to certain security officers employed by Rochester Regional Health or its subsidiaries, on or adjacent to the grounds, buildings or property owned, controlled, or administered by Rochester Regional Health. AYE
S8723 Authorizes an optional 20-year retirement plan for traffic officers employed by the town of Elmira, who submit an application therefor within one year of the effective date of such provisions, or within one year of start of employment. AYE
S8735A This bill would amend section 150 of the Labor Law which pertains to the "Employment and Education of Child Performers" to establish protections for minors who are featured in influencer-generated content that generate earnings from being shared on social media or other video-sharing websites. AYE
S8765A Directs the office of mental health to establish programs for the training and development of persons capable of providing coaching and support to individuals under treatment plans developed by licensed mental health practitioners, including but not limited to a process of issuing, either directly or through contract, credentials for qualified mental health associates. AYE
S8880A Makes it illegal to knowingly alter, mutilate, destroy, obliterate, obstruct or remove by means of a price sticker or otherwise the whole or any part of the label, including where applicable the expiration date displayed thereon, of any over-the-counter drug or cosmetic. AYE
S9038A This bill amends the education law by adding language to allow physicians to supervise no more than six physician assistants in such physician's private practice at one time. AYE
S9040 COSPONSOR Amends subdivision five of section 280-a of Public Health Law to allow pharmacists to discuss the cost of a patient's medication of service to the pharmacy from a manufacturer or pharmacy benefit manager with said patient. AYE
S9063B Authorizes the city of Niagara Falls to alienate and discontinue the use of certain parklands and transfer the property to The Papermill, LLC. AYE
S9106A Authorizes the Saint James Evangelical Lutheran Church of Saint James Long Island NY to receive retroactive real property tax exempt status. AYE
S9174B Requires that vehicle manufacturers and/or dealers terminate an individual's access to remote vehicle technology upon request by domestic violence victims who provide an order of protection and proof of ownership of a vehicle. AYE
S9219B Permits the town of Kent, Putnam county, to lease sports field fences for advertisements with the revenues to be used solely for the care of Guglielmo Field. AYE
S9221A Authorizes the town of Brookhaven to discontinue a portion of real property currently used as parkland to West Ferry Office, LLC for the construction of sewer facilities. AYE
S9231 This bill would permit any employee of the Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services (DHSES) acting in their official duties to carry radio equipment in their vehicle capable of receiving signals on frequencies allocated for police use. AYE
S9238 This bill would correct the conflict between the village law and the election law and require vacancies to be filled in accordance with the political calendar set forth in the election law. AYE
S9292A Lowers the period of probable usefulness of zero emission school buses from twelve years to eight years. AYE (This bill may assist school districts to navigate the transition to a 100 percent electric bus fleet.)
S9308A Permits dental assistants and licensed practical nurses to perform the application of topical fluoride varnish. AYE
S9327B This bill would authorize the use of owner-controlled and contractor-controlled insurance, or "wrap-up" insurance. AYE
S9348A This bill would amend section 58.10 of the Local Finance Law relating to the Electronic Open Auction Public Bond Sale Pilot Program by removing the requirement that a municipality that meets the established requirements must have also issued at least $25 million in bonds within at least one of the preceding three years to participate. AYE
S9349 This bill would provide a growth factor into the after 4pm transportation aid program. AYE
S9371A Authorizes the state university of New York at Farmingdale to lease 9.26 acres of underutilized lands to the Farmingdale state development corporation for the purpose of multi-purpose facilities to support housing needs and supporting amenities. AYE
S9423 Provides that any person who has served as a state-paid judge or justice of a court of the unified court system or as a housing judge of the housing portion of the civil court of the city of New York, but who no longer holds any of such offices, may apply to be designated as a judicial hearing officer. AYE
S9452 Relates to the waiver of costs, fees, and expenses for persons of insufficient means; removes the phrase "poor persons" from article 11 of the civil practice law and rules and the criminal procedure law. AYE
S9525B Requires pharmacies that are discontinuing to notify customers of such discontinuance and provide information including locations of other nearby pharmacies. AYE
S9614B Authorizes the state university of New York at Stony Brook to lease certain lands for the purpose of developing a facility to support research and development to address the national semiconductor chip shortage and related environmental sustainability issues. AYE
S9641 Directs that moneys in the veterans' home services fund shall be payable on vouchers certified by the commissioner of veterans' services. AYE
S9675 This bill removes an exception for holding uncontested primary elections; now, there will be no ballot election when there is an uncontested primary for "the party position of member of the ward, town, city or county committee." AYE
S9693 Provides for a license to sell liquor at retail for consumption on certain premises located at 428 S. 5th Street, Brooklyn, Kings County. AYE
S9697 This bill makes it unlawful for a vendor to make, either directly or indirectly, any contribution to a statewide elected official, a candidate for a statewide elected office, or their authorized political committee, during a certain restricted period. AYE
S9722 Provides that any electronically or electromagnetically transmitted facsimile of a governor's warrant shall be treated as an original document. AYE
S9731 Expands the civil jurisdiction of county courts to matters of up to fifty thousand dollars and district courts to matters of up to thirty-five thousand dollars. AYE
S9732 Ensures the sealing of records containing the name of the child or party in any document, index, or minutes available to the public in a proceeding for judgment of parentage. AYE
S9738A Authorizes the lease of certain lands on the SUNY Albany campus for the Albany NanoTech Complex. AYE
S9741A Authorizes the town of East Hampton to alienate and convey certain parcels of land used as parkland for the purpose of a Suffolk County roadway improvement project. AYE
S9746 Relates to automatic orders in matrimonial actions. NAY (Poorly drafted, and cumbersome.)
S9750 Prohibits the purchase of ammunition if such purchaser failed a background check, is prohibited by federal law or is subject to a temporary or extreme risk protection order issued pursuant to article sixty-three-A of the civil practice law and rules. NAY
S9759 This bill shortens the deadline for registration and application of special presidential ballots from 7 days prior to an election to 10 days prior to an elections. AYE
S9772 Authorizes Richard Lee Johnson to take the competitive civil service examination for the position of police officer and be placed on the eligible list for employment as a fulltime police officer for the village of Canastota police department. AYE
S9773 HARCKHAM Authorizes a hotel occupancy tax for the town of Ossining, in the county of Westchester. NAY (Tax increase.)
S9783 makes various changes to the Surrogate's Court Procedure act provisions governing service of process, return dates for citations. AYE
S9784 This bill modifies provisions that govern how notice of a matrimonial action must be given to parties to allow a court to issue a default judgment, such that it would permit such notice by email to provide the service a court ordered alternative to form of service. AYE
S9788 Changes the seventy-two hour filing requirement for minutes of a nomination convention to three days when referring to the minutes of a judicial district convention. AYE
S9789 Provides that voters with a disability that interferes with the effective reading, writing, or use of printed material who apply for an accessible absentee ballot and are otherwise eligible to receive an absentee ballot shall be sent an accessible absentee ballot by accessible electronic system; makes related provisions. AYE
S9792 this bill creates a new section of law for "special ballot on account of medical exigency on election day." NAY (Concerns with the wide scope and vagueness of the bill.)
S9793 Requires the board of elections to transmit election results to the clerk of cities, towns and villages for which it is the board of canvassers. AYE
S9794 This bill removes certain requirements that voters requiring assistance due to disability need to identify such disability to election officials. AYE
S9795 Provides for the use of voting systems by towns, villages, school districts, fire, ambulance, water, sanitation, police and other special districts within a county. AYE
S9804 Authorizes the city of Poughkeepsie to alienate and discontinue the use of certain parklands for the purpose of constructing a new emergency services communications tower. AYE
S9808 Relates to the source of tax revenues paid to the Deer Park Volunteer Exempt Firemen's Benevolent Association for fire department use and benefit. AYE
S9815 Adds Moodna Creek in Orange County to the definition of inland waterways for waterfront revitalization. AYE
S9823 Provides that the Yonkers city school district shall be eligible to receive an apportionment of funds to be used for services and expenses; directs certain reports to be submitted. AYE
S9830 Exempts a certain parcel of land in the town of Islip from certain use restrictions (Part A); alienates certain parklands in the town of Islip (Part B). AYE
S2729 Prohibits food-service establishments and retail establishments throughout New York State from refusing to accept payment in cash from consumers. NAY (Anti-business.)
S309B This bill requires the Department of Corrections and Community Supervision to create an advisory board to provide recommendations regarding the development of an emergency management release plan within state prisons to be used in the event of a state disaster emergency. NAY
S205 Prohibits state chartered banking institutions from investing in and providing financing for private prisons. NAY (Prohibits state chartered banking institutions from investing in and providing financing for private prisons.)
S1208 Requires genetic testing results only be received by patients and health care providers providing direct care while health insurance companies only receive a record that the genetic testing was performed. AYE
S2498A This bill would amend both the General Municipal Law and the Public Authorities Law to allow for the consideration of the inclusion of onsite child daycare facilities, by a project, when evaluating Payment in lieu of taxes (PILOT) projects for the purpose of increasing the number of businesses with childcare options for their employees. AYE
S7930 Relates to appointing instead of electing a treasurer for the park district in the town of Southold, county of Suffolk. AYE
S8513 Authorizes the village of Greenwood Lake, county of Orange to allow golf carts on certain streets under the exclusive control and jurisdiction of such village. AYE
S7648 Relates to the appointment of members of the Battery Park city authority; increases the number of members to nine; requires five of the nine members be primary residents of Battery Park city. AYE
S9132 Authorizes the discontinuance of additional parkland and the granting of additional easements for improvements to the Metro-North railroad. AYE
S9256 Facilitates the marketing of any issue of serial bonds or notes of the city of Buffalo issued on or before June 30, 2025. AYE
S8945 Waives the residency requirement for assistant district attorneys in Schenectady county. AYE
S8954 This bill increases the maximum allowable income that senior property owners may earn for the purpose of property tax exemptions from $50,000 to $75,000. AYE
S7721A Permits the town of Springfield to adopt and enforce regulations restricting docks, boathouses and moorings on Otsego lake within such town. AYE
S6251A Authorizes the Halesite Fire District to file an application for exemption from real property taxes. AYE
S7409 Allows the special district operations and development committee, an entity also known as the Downtown Schenectady Improvement Corporation (DSIC), which was formed through enabling legislation in 1977, to change the required number of members from nine to between nine and fifteen members on its Board of Directors. AYE
S8989 Authorizes Lee Weinstein to receive certain service credit under section 384-d of the retirement and social security law. AYE
S9218 Relates to the name and the funds of the Alert Volunteer Exempt Firefighter's Benevolent Association of Great Neck, New York. AYE
S8324A Authorizes the Calvary Tabernacle Church of God to file an application for exemption from real property taxes for the 2021-2022 and 2022-2023 assessment rolls. AYE
S9213 This bill provides that a supervising licensed physical therapist shall be available for consultation with a physical therapist assistant in a timely manner; removes the on-site supervision requirement. AYE
S1520 Relates to the provision of patient health information and medical records; expands the definition of medical records to include all health related records; prohibits fees for providing certain records. AYE
S7887 Authorizes the town of Cortlandt, in the county of Westchester, to levy an occupancy tax on hotels, motels, or boarding houses. NAY (Tax increase.)
S8160 Permits the village of Greenwood Lake to impose a hotel and motel tax; provides for the repeal of such provisions upon the expiration thereof. NAY (Tax increase.)
S8161 Authorizes the town of New Windsor in Orange county to impose a five percent hotel and motel tax. NAY (Tax increase.)
S8162 Permits the village of South Blooming Grove to impose a hotel and motel tax; provides for the repeal of such provisions upon the expiration thereof. NAY (Tax increase.)
S8163 Authorizes the town of Wawayanda in Orange county to impose a five percent hotel and motel tax. NAY (Tax increase.)
S8164 Authorizes the town of Chester to impose a five percent hotel and motel tax; provides for the repeal of such provisions upon expiration thereof. NAY (Tax increase.)
S8950A Allows the city of Syracuse, in the county of Onondaga, to impose a two percent hotel and motel tax upon persons occupying hotel or motel rooms in such city. NAY (Tax increase.)
S9025 Authorizes the town of Poughkeepsie to impose a 5% hotel and motel tax; provides for the repeal of such provisions upon expiration thereof. NAY (Tax increase.)
S9181 Increases the tax the county of Dutchess can impose and collect on the occupancy of hotels, motels, boarding houses, conference centers and tourist homes from 4 percent to 5 percent. NAY (Tax increase.)
S9264A Establishes an occupancy tax in the village of Catskill, in the county of Greene. NAY (Tax increase.)
S9271A Establishes an occupancy tax in the village of Coxsackie, in the county of Greene. NAY (Tax increase.)
S8348A Establishes a campaign to promote public awareness of the importance of good oral health, including but not limited to, the impact of oral disease, causes of oral disease and its prevention, oral health across the lifespan, the total body connection, the value of early detection and the availability of oral health services in the community. AYE
S8725A Amends the village of Washingtonville deficit financing act to extend the time frames for the issuance of certain bonds by the village of Washingtonville. AYE
S9212A Authorizes the town of Yorktown, county of Westchester, to alienate and discontinue the use of certain parklands. AYE
S9547A Provides an exemption from requirements for the alienation of parkland for renewable energy generating projects in the county of Westchester with a generating capacity not exceeding two megawatts and which are located above real property that was established and used for vehicle parking. AYE
S8529 Provides for a line of duty presumption for disabilities of deputy sheriffs in a city with a population of one million or more. AYE
S8532 This bill creates a rebuttable presumption that any HEART DISEASES* which cause health issues for New York City deputy sheriffs were incurred during the course and discharge of their duties. AYE
S8663 Limits recordkeeping and reporting duties of public notaries to electronic notarization acts. AYE
S9432 Authorizes the city of Binghamton to establish hotel and motel taxes of up to five percent. NAY (Tax increase.)
S9464 This bill would create a new class of license for alcohol consumption on premises for "private membership establishments.” AYE
S9685 Makes opening a business that requires a liquor license, such as a restaurant or a bar, easier by limiting the amount of times the business owner is required to reapply for a temporary license. AYE
S9713 Would expand the list of individuals who may appear on behalf of taxpayers before the Division of Tax Appeals to include a representative of the petitioner who is at least eighteen years of age, of the petitioner's choosing, including a family member or a tax return preparer registered in the State. AYE
S9733 This bill amends the CPLR provisions governing venue in specified matrimonial actions to provide the place of trial in such actions shall generally be in the county in which either party resides, or if there are minor children of the marriage, then the place of trial may be in the county where one of such children resides. AYE
S9754 Requires certain documents and forms to be provided in the twelve most common non-English languages spoken by limited English proficient immigrants of five years or less according to the American community survey, as published by the United States census bureau. AYE
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