Senator Gallivan's Votes for the Week of March 4, 2024
Jim Ranney
March 8, 2024
- NYS Senate

The following bills were approved in the NYS Senate. Senator Gallivan's vote is noted.
S2271 This bill relaxes current requirements for out of state acknowledgements and proofs related to conveyances of real property located in New York, as well as out of state oaths and affirmations more generally. NAY
S4435 This bill permits health insurance carriers and HMOs to offer premium discounts or other benefits for participation in wellness programs approved by DFS. AYE
S1182 Amends the criminal procedure law, stating that following an arrest by a society for the prevention of cruelty to an animal officer, such officer shall be permitted access to the live scan fingerprinting system or similar technology. AYE
S134 This bill establishes restrictions on broadcasting of patients. It states that every patient in a health care facility has a right to have privacy in treatment and caring for personal needs, including the broadcasting of a recognizable image or speech of such patient involved in a health care procedure by requiring a health care facility to obtain express written consent used solely for the purpose of the consent to broadcast the image or voice of the patient receiving treatment. AYE
S4540 This bill provides that recovery of wages due to a clerical error by the employer or vendor of the employer is prohibited if such clerical error did not result in an overpayment or other inaccuracy in the amount of wages paid or the time in which wages were dispersed. AYE
S2691 Allows the planning commission or planning board of a city, village, county, or town to request assistance from the Office of Information Technology Services in various GIS mapping or conducting of surveys when it is part of a strategic plan involving a review or study of floor space usage. AYE
S2426 COSPONSOR Amends the vehicle and traffic law to include at least one question about the responsibilities of the driver when stopped by law enforcement on the driver's test for license. Establishes that the commissioner create the curriculum for instruction on proper behavior by the driver when stopped by law enforcement as part of driver's education and the national safety council's defensive driving course. AYE
S1448B This bill would create a task force on school transportation safety. It would have 18 total members, with five appointed by the Governor, five by the Senate Leader, five by the Assembly Speaker, as well as the commissioners of SED, DOT, and the DMV. A PRINT - adds school bus drivers and other school bus personnel who are members of a labor union to the list of members that shall be included in the taskforce. B PRINT - changes the reporting date for the task force from December, 31 2024 to no later than eighteen months after it shall become a law. AYE
S1804 Amends public service law requiring all gas and electric corporations to provide at least sixty days notice, in writing, to customers when a rate or charge increase for services will take effect. AYE
S805 Requires the department of environmental conservation and the department of health to establish certain standards related to the cleaning of playground equipment after pesticide exposure. AYE
S1999 This bill would authorize direct interstate and intrastate shipments of cider to individuals. Shipments to individuals would be limited to no more than 36 cases(or nine liters) per year. Orders by a person under 21 years of age would be prohibited. AYE
S1365 Directs the Department of Agriculture and Markets to increase the number of regional farmers' markets for the direct marketing of foods and produce produced in the state. AYE
S3069A Establishes the New York healthy incentive program. Requires OTDA, pursuant to a waiver from the USDA Food & Nutrition Service, to automate the use of SNAP benefit cards to pay for subscriptions to locally grown fresh food subscription services, and add accrued NYHIP incentives to SNAP benefit cards and establishes and implement a new SNAP and NYHIP Outreach Program in accordance with federal requirements utilizing federal funds. AYE
S1218B Adds to the State fire prevention and building code council a member who is must represent agricultural producers. AYE
S3125A Establishes a procurement goal that at least fifteen percent of all food and food products purchased by state agencies shall be New York state food products in the first and second year after such law takes effect, at least twenty percent in the third year and twenty-five percent thereafter. A PRINT - adds definition of "state agency", makes technical amendments and requires 30 percent of all food and food products purchased by state agency to be NYS food products by December 31, 2028. AYE
S1056A This bill would provide agricultural assessment to beginner and established farms by creating temporary carve outs. The farm must display that they have the ability to meet the required annual gross sales value within three or five years of attaining the agricultural assessment. Any farm that cannot reach the goal will lose the agricultural assessment without penalty. AYE
S2236 The bill would amend the Agriculture and Markets Law to have the Department of Agriculture and Markets, in cooperation with Cornell Cooperative Extension, create a one-stop toll free number for information regarding all aspects of farming. AYE
S2407 Establishes the farm ownership succession planning program to provide farm owners with a succession planning toolkit that can be used by such farm owners who plan on selling or closing their farm. AYE
S2415 Establishes the office of urban agriculture. The bill adds definitions for the following terms: community supported agriculture partnerships, community owned grocery stores, urban agriculture, and urban farming. AYE
S4270A Establishes a tax credit for farmers who maximize carbon sequestration potential through a "carbon farming" land management strategy; directs DEC to develop regulations related to certifying the amount of carbon sequestered or emissions reduced. A PRINT - If the amount of the credit allowable under this subdivision taxpayer's tax for such year and the taxpayer's New York adjusted gross income for such year does not exceed sixty thousand dollars, the excess shall be treated as an overpayment of tax to be credited or refunded and If the taxpayer's New York adjusted gross income for such year exceeds sixty thousand dollars, the excess credit may be carried over to the following year or years. AYE
S760B Amends Vehicle and Traffic Law to prohibit reckless driving in or upon off-street parking facilities open to the public, whether privately or publicly owned. A AND B PRINTS - Changed the language from off-street parking facility to parking lot. Parking lot is defined specifically not to include a driveway upon which a single-family residence is located. AYE
S126 Adds to the criteria for eligibility to be appointed to the Board of Parole having worked at least 10 years in criminology, administration of criminal justice, law enforcement, sociology, law, social work, corrections, psychology, psychiatry or medicine. AYE
S6223 This bill permits certain registered pharmacy technicians assisting in home infusion services through a home care agency to assist a licensed pharmacist in preparing prescriptions. AYE
S6342 Expands from 10 to 11 the size of SUNY community college boards of trustees and requires one ex-officio and non-voting member shall be a member of the faculty or staff of the college. AYE
S722 Authorizes the office of parks, recreation and historic preservation to establish a resident curator program for the rehabilitation of state park buildings. AYE
S4026 Exempts operators of law enforcement and fire department vessels from laws which regulate vessels on the navigable waters of the state while such operators are in the course of responding to emergencies. AYE
S6323B Requires a person or business that provides a consumer an online account to access services shall, if a consumer believes that a theft of their identity has occurred, upon request provide an opportunity to such consumer to prove their identity in person using a physical proof of identification to recover their online account and restore access thereto, provided that the person or business providing such online account has a physical presence and at least one retail location within New York. B PRINT - further defines physical proof of identification to be (1) a valid passport; (2) a valid driver's license or non-driver's identification card. AYE
S6889 Enacts "Bryan Johnson's law"; includes prior convictions of operation of a vessel while under the influence of alcohol or drugs as prior convictions of driving while intoxicated. AYE
S8600 This is bill would amend chapter 461 of the laws of 2017 to extend reciprocity provisions related to debarments under the Davis-Bacon Act from six to nine years. This law prohibits contractors or subcontractors from bidding on or being awarded a State or municipal public works contract if they have been debarred from bidding on, or being awarded federal contracts for, violating prevailing wage payment obligations under the federal Davis-Bacon Act. AYE