Senator Roxanne J. Persaud Announces State Aid for Library Construction of $3.5 million To Brooklyn Public Library - Canarsie Branch

Roxanne J. Persaud

September 24, 2024

Senator Roxanne J. Persaud Announces State Aid for Library Construction of $3.5 million To Brooklyn Public Library - Canarsie Branch


Date: 9/24/2024

Contact: Marie Christine Delius | | (718) 649-7653

ALBANY, NY – Senator Roxane J. Persaud announced that Brooklyn Public Library - Canarsie Branch has been allocated $3.5 million in state aid for library construction funds. The funds will enable Brooklyn Public Library – Canarsie Branch to replace the old structure that no longer meets the community requirements, operational and service needs, or modern energy codes. The funds are from $34 million in capital funds for public library construction and broadband infrastructure projects provided in the FY2023-2024 State Budget. 

"We are taking a significant step toward revitalizing our community’s heartbeat—the library. With $3.5 million in state aid, Brooklyn Public Library will not only modernize its facilities but also enhance accessibility and resources for all New Yorkers. This investment is a commitment to ensuring our libraries remain vibrant spaces for learning, innovation, and connection," said Senator Roxane J. Persaud. 

New York’s public libraries are in urgent need of renovation and upgrading. A recent survey showed a documented need for public library construction and renovation projects totaling more than $1.75 billion. More than half of the over 1,000 public library buildings in communities across New York are over 60 years old. Another third are more than three decades old. Many of New York’s local public libraries are unable to accommodate users with disabilities, are energy inefficient, cannot provide Internet and computer and other electronic technologies to users because of outdated and inadequate electrical wiring. Many do not have sufficient space to house the library’s ever-expanding collection, address the need for adequate meeting spaces, or provide for public access computers. 

Project activities and expenditures eligible for funding from the State Aid for Library Construction Program include financing construction of new library buildings, construction of additions to existing buildings, and the renovation and/or rehabilitation of existing space. Projects may include roof replacement, purchase and installation of alternative energy resources, new HVAC systems, windows, doors, lighting systems, electrical upgrades, EV charging stations, standby generators, and new construction or replacement of parking lots. Broadband infrastructure projects are also eligible. New furniture, shelving, and equipment, including computer equipment, may be purchased for new or newly reconfigured or renovated space. Renovations designed to provide accessibility for patrons with disabilities are a high priority. 

In the FY2024-2025 State Budget, the Legislature provided $44 million for projects that will be announced in the Summer of 2025. This increase of $10 million, from the previous fiscal year, recognizes the continued need for support for libraries statewide to provide vital services to New Yorkers. 


