Senator Gallivan's Votes for the Week of March 17, 2025
Jim Ranney
March 21, 2025
- NYS Senate

The following bills were approved in the NYS Senate. Senator Gallivan's vote is noted.
S814 CHAPTER AMENDMENT - The NYS DOH commissioner is directed to require electronic health records at Article 28 general hospitals to permit patients to register in the “donate life registry” for organ, eye, and tissue donations at no cost to hospitals or health systems. Makes corresponding changes to the sections of law governing the “donate life registry” to effectuate the ability to register via the patient’s electronic health record. This bill also clarifies that applicants under the state health benefit exchange who are 16 and 17 years of age, who have checked “yes” to be added to the “donate life registry”, be permitted to do so consistent with existing law regarding persons who may execute an anatomical gift. Provides that organ donation registrations through an electronic health record product do not retain or store patients' donor status information and meet standards established by the commissioner; amends the effective date. AYE
S3406 Amends section 382 of the executive law as it relates to increasing the penalties for building code violations when the condition is deemed an imminent threat to the safety and welfare of the building's occupants by the local government. The bill provides for graduated penalties for repeat offenders. NAY (Onerous penalty structure. Local Governments already authorized to issue fines for violation of the uniform building code.)
S1468 Streamlines and updates section 17 of the Public Health law regarding the release of health records. The bill amends current law to expand the law to require health care providers who have provided professional health care services to a patient to release and deliver health records to other designated health care providers. AYE
S4434 Authorizes the boards of education in union free school districts and central school districts to establish wards for the purpose of school board elections in Orange County. NAY (Lacks requirements to ensure that election wards appropriately represent communities.)
S3100 This bill includes parents in the provisions allowing for asthma self-management training services through Medicaid that currently only apply to persons diagnosed with asthma. AYE
S2541 This bill requires the board of elections to make available to the public upon request, electronic images of cast ballots from ballot scanners and requires these images be made available no later than a week after such election. NAY
S4925 Requires training to reduce abusive conduct and bullying in the workplace as part of a written workplace violence prevention program. AYE
S4805 Requires the state to handle all income verification necessary to receive the senior citizen tax exemption. Amends the Real Property Tax Law to allow income eligibility of applicants to be verified annually by the department, and the assessing authority will not need to request income documentation. At the commissioner's discretion, and with the appropriate assessing authority, extensions of the enrollment period can be granted on an individual basis for the Senior Citizen Property Tax Exemption. AYE
S1574 KRUEGER Establishes the electric landscaping equipment rebate program to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, improve air quality, and reduce noise pollution by promoting the adoption of quieter, zero-emission landscaping equipment; provides for rebates at the point of sale for applicants purchasing or leasing certain equipment; provides for the repeal of such provisions upon expiration thereof. Adds snow removal equipment to the list as well as and directs NYSERDA to consult with businesses. NAY (Concerns from commercial landscapers. Additional costs for others.)
S1188 This bill would create a 120-day grace period for congressionally chartered veterans' organizations to cure certain violations that are handed down by certain state or local agencies. AYE
S1816 Reduces “Elevated lead levels” to greater than or equal to 3.5 micrograms of lead per deciliter of whole blood in relation to the State’s Lead Poisoning Prevention Programs. Moreover, it requires the NYS DOH to promulgate regulations on an emergency basis to implement the provisions of the bill. AYE
S2000 Requires that health insurance policies shall provide coverage for follow-up screening or diagnostic services for lung cancer, and that no patient cost sharing shall be imposed for follow-up screening or diagnostic services for lung cancer. AYE
S3352 Allows for certain notices related to property/casualty insurance contracts under the vehicle and traffic law to be delivered by electronic means. AYE
S4832 Requires the workers' compensation board to submit a supplemental report every year, including recommendations to modernize the board and data such as the number of claims filed, the number of awards, the length of time for decisions to be made, and the number of frivolous appeals made by employers. AYE
S3236 COSPONSOR Allows pharmacy technicians to practice in any pharmacy under the supervision of a pharmacist. AYE
S4162 Expands the Fresh Connect program, which provides rebates for the purchase of local produce to certain people, to include local produce sold in supermarkets and grocery stores. AYE
S4754 Establishes the office of urban agriculture, which would help facilitate various efforts to create and uphold urban agriculture programs around the state including urban farms and community gardens. AYE
S3585 Prohibits the retail sale of spices that exceed lead level limits; defines spices and types of spices; establishes acceptable lead limits for various types of spices. AYE
S1609 Requires the department of environmental conservation to submit an annual agency stormwater expenditure report containing a comprehensive estimate and summary of funds needed and funds spent on stormwater projects under the department of environmental conservation, the environmental facilities corporation, the department of state and other applicable agencies or state authorities. AYE
S1052 Directs the department of economic development to move the central New York welcome center to the equal rights heritage center in the city of Auburn; directs the department of economic development to enter into a contract with the city of Auburn for the operation of such welcome center. AYE
S1926 Requires each social services district to maintain a waiting list of eligible families who have applied for child care assistance; requires the local districts to report such list to the office of children and family services who shall then compile such reports and issue one report to the legislature annually; requires the social services districts to collect data regarding the income of families who have applied, were denied and received child care assistance and issue a report to the office of children and family services who shall then compile such reports and issue one report to the legislature annually. AYE
S568 Establishes portable polling locations for early voting; provides that a county board of elections may establish one or more portable polling locations. NAY (Unfunded mandate. Could be security issue. "Portable polling location" not defined.)
S1809 Authorizes, under certain circumstances, full-time college and university students to act as election inspectors and poll clerks in the election district where their college or university is located. NAY (Election inspectors should be residents of the community.)
S4980 This bill would amend section 862 of the general municipal law, to prohibit the provision of financial assistance from an industrial development agency, to an economic development project, unless it can be proven that such project will have a "regionally significant" economic impact. NAY (This bill would severely restrict the ability of an IDA to provide any financial support to an economic development project.)
S4852 Directs the state fire prevention and building code council to update the state fire prevention and building code and the state energy conservation construction code within 18 months of the publication of any updated or revised edition of the international and national codes relating thereto, so as to ensure that the state's codes reflect such revisions and updates. AYE
S5392 Allows for foreign not-for-profit corporations to obtain a certificate of authority to engage in engineering for conservation efforts associated with wetlands - both tidal and freshwater. AYE
S4911 This bill exempts processors of maple syrup and honey from licensing requirements for food processing as long as these individuals do not repackage products from other entities or combine their product with any other ingredients that support the growth of infectious or toxigenic organisms (additives). AYE
S1287A COSPONSOR Establishes the rare disease advisory council to identify best practices, raise awareness regarding rare diseases, evaluate barriers to access to care, and to make recommendations to the legislature and the governor. AYE
S2011 Directs the department of state and the public service commission to study and report upon the prevalence of the disclosure by public utilities, cable television companies and cellular telephone service providers to credit reporting agencies of late payments and defaults in payment of fees and charges by consumers. AYE
S2587 Establishes January 30th of each year as a day of commemoration known as "Fred Korematsu Day of Civil Liberties and the Constitution". AYE
S5105 Directs the commissioner of the office of addiction services and supports to promulgate rules and regulations for providers operating in rural locations while taking into account the extra challenges encountered by such providers, including but not limited to, increased and additional expenses. AYE
S1837 Requires a study on the national electric safety code line height standard for overhead utility lines and communication lines as such relate to the height of agricultural equipment and other heavy duty equipment. AYE
S1673 This bill establishes a student loan repayment information notice. Requires the DOL commissioner, in consultation with the President of the Higher Education Services Corporation and the Superintendent of DFS to develop a notice, pamphlet or other written materials with regard to responsibilities and repayment options for student loans. Further requires all employers in the State to provide such information materials to new employees who have been hired for a post-graduate internship or entry-level position that requires an associate’s degree or higher such notice. NAY (Government program and therefore should not be responsibility of the employer. Adds to cost of doing business in NYS.)
S2073 Requires the department of motor vehicles compile a list of veterans who apply for a veteran driver's license and provide such list to the department of veterans' services to aid in outreach efforts by the department of veterans' services. AYE
S5599 Places a cap on the amount that a rental vehicle company may charge a renter for refueling a rental vehicle; imposes a maximum fine for a violation of such cap on charges. AYE
S118 Establishes a dementia and Alzheimer's disease program database. AYE
S5177 This bill requires a notary appointed and commissioned in NYS and a commissioner of deeds to create a notarial record of each notarial act performed in connection with a document of conveyance, and file that record. The bill authorizes a notary charge a fee of $25 for performing a notarial act related to a document of conveyance for which a notarial record is required pursuant to these provisions. In addition to any other penalties, a person or entity violating these new provisions will be required to file an official bond of $25,000 for a first offense and $50,000 for subsequent offense. NAY
S2436 Prohibits the sale of ATVs and off-highway motorcycles in the city of New York; provides enforcement mechanisms and penalties. NAY (Free market.)
S5559 Creates, in addition to the existing sanction of criminal contempt of court, the remedies of labor law civil penalties and employee's right to bring civil action for unlawful discharge, penalty or discrimination on account of the exercise by an employee of a juror's right to be absent from employment by reason of jury service. NAY (Could open employers up to unlimited litigation by disgruntled employees seeking a cause of action.)
S2051 Relates to allowing bed and breakfasts to sell cider, liquor, beer and wine on the licensed premises. Also eliminates the requirement that patron must be an overnight guest in order for a bed and breakfast to sell them an alcoholic beverage. AYE
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