Statement From Senate Republican Leader Rob Ortt Regarding Senate Republicans Disapproval of the One House Resolution Passage

Seal of the NYS Senate
When Governor Hochul unveiled her Budget in January, it marked the first time in history a New York Governor proposed a budget totalling more than a quarter of a TRILLION dollars. But even that outrageous level of spending was not enough for Senate Democrats who are proposing a staggering $17 billion spending increase over the current year. With a $259 billion budget proposal, Senate Democrats will have increased the size of the state budget by $90 billion during their seven years in the Senate Majority.
Hardworking New Yorkers are most concerned about affordability, violent crime, the migrant crisis, rising utility costs, runaway government spending and high taxes. On each of these issues, the Senate Majority’s new one-house budget is a complete and utter failure, and they are sending a loud and clear message that they simply do not care about the concerns of hardworking, taxpaying, law-abiding New Yorkers.