Senator Shelley Mayer and over 100 Westchester Residents Rally Against High Con Edison Bills
February 18, 2025
White Plains, NY –– State Senator Shelley B. Mayer was joined by over 100 Westchester residents on Friday, Feb. 14 for her ‘No Love for Con Ed’ press conference and rally to call out Con Edison (ConEd) and the New York Public Service Commission (PSC) for unaffordable delivery rates currently faced by New Yorkers and to urge rejection of ConEd’s rate application for another major rate hike. Senator Mayer and the attendees demanded changes to the way rates are approved and for the PSC to put ratepayers first when setting rates.
Despite sky-high bills due to ConEd’s last rate hike beginning in 2023 ($457.5M electric rate increase over three years and $187.2 million gas rate increase over three years for ConEd), on January 31st, ConEd filed another $2 billion request to increase rates. If approved, the proposal would increase electric bills by an average of 11.4% and gas bills by 13.3% starting in 2026. According to Con Ed’s filing, the typical gas heating customer would see an increase in their gas delivery averaging over $550 more for heat per year. This amounts to a 25.1% increase on the delivery bill or a 19% increase on the total bill. Even without these additional increases, Westchester residents are seeing delivery charges that are often double or triple the cost of the actual usage.
Also in attendance were Congressman George Latimer, Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins, County Executive Ken Jenkins, State Senator Robert Jackson, Assemblyman Steve Otis, Assembly Member Chris Burdick, Assembly Member Dana Levenberg, Assembly Member Mary Jane Shimsky, County Legislator Vedat Gashi, Legislator Erika Pierce, Legislator Catherine Parker, Legislator Ben Boykin, Legislator Judah Holstein, Legislator David Tubiolo, Legislator David Imamura, Legislator James Nolan, Greenburgh Supervisor Paul Feiner, City of Rye Mayor Josh Cohn, City of Rye Manager Greg Usry, Mamaroneck Town Supervisor Jaine Elkind Eney, Mamaroneck Town Council Member Anant Nambiar, Mount Vernon Mayor Shawyn Patterson-Howard, New Castle Town Supervisor Victoria Tipp, North Castle Town Board Member Barbara DiGiacinto, New Rochelle City Council Member Sara Kaye, Port Chester Deputy Mayor Philip Dorazio, Tarrytown Trustee Kenny Herzog, Tuckahoe Trustee Josh Gaccione, White Plains City Council Member Victoria Presser, White Plains City Council Member Richard Payne, Yonkers City Council Member Corazon Pineda- Issac, and Yonkers City Council Member Anthony Merante.
State Senator Shelley B. Mayer said, "I hear daily from constituents who, despite every effort to conserve energy, face outrageous utility bills with unaffordable delivery charges. The Public Service Commission is not fulfilling its responsibility to establish delivery rates for gas, electric, and other regulated utilities that are ‘fair, just, and reasonable.’ The PSC and ConEd must be held accountable.
"I am proud to sponsor legislation in the State Senate that will directly address the high utility costs, including my bill to prevent utility companies from recovering from ratepayers salaries greater than the Governor's salary (currently $250,000) and legal fees and other costs incurred during their participation in the rate case in excess of $100,000; and another bill (which has passed the Senate three times) that targets key elements of the rate-setting process – the rate of return on equity and common equity ratio – to reign in the profits utility companies earn at the expense of ratepayers.
"I am grateful to every constituent who has reached out to me about their outrageous ConEd bills and to every person who attended the event. The PSC has failed to adequately protect consumers and the utility companies have protected shareholder profits at the expense of New Yorkers. It is shameful, and I will keep fighting and advocating for every New Yorker and especially Westchester residents."
Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins said, "New York State has some of the highest utility rates in the country, and many New Yorkers are currently struggling to pay their utility bills. Con Edison's proposed double-digit rate-hikes would exacerbate the significant financial strain and stress that residents in my district of Westchester and areas across New York are already experiencing. I’m proud that our Senate Democratic Conference has recently passed legislation that would empower the Public Service Commission (PSC) to evaluate the economic impact of any proposed utility rate changes on consumers. I stand with Senator Mayer, my colleagues, and our communities in demanding fairness, transparency, and accountability when it comes to utility pricing."
Senator Pete Harckham said, "Many of my constituents who are Con Ed customers are already living paycheck-to-paycheck and dealing with inflation, so the utility’s double-digit rate hike proposal is just unacceptable. This is not just a money grab—it’s an outrageous money grab. I have notified the Public Service Commission that I oppose these rate hikes and thank my Senate colleague Shelley Mayer for calling further attention to this misguided attack on our residents’ pocketbooks and wallets."
"Our constituents are already burdened by outrageous Con Ed bills, with delivery charges exceeding usage costs," said Senator Jamaal T. Bailey. "Another rate hike is unacceptable. The PSC must put ratepayers first and reject it for the well-being of the families that make New York the state it is. I thank Senator Shelley B. Mayer for hosting a rally to advocate for all of our constituents that will be negatively impacted."
"The State must reject Con Edison’s proposed double-digit rate hikes to protect New Yorkers from further financial strain. With the cost of living already soaring—especially in the Bronx and Westchester—these increases would place an even heavier burden on working families, seniors, and small businesses. For too long, utility companies have pushed steep rate hikes with little transparency or oversight. Affordability must remain a priority, and the State must stand firm in preventing unfair hikes that hurt consumers," said Senator Nathalia Fernandez.
Assemblyman Steve Otis said, "We need to reform the process for the setting of rates and the allocation of costs. Utilities should not be allowed to use their monopoly status to pass all operation costs to consumers and shielding the company from responsibility for expenses owners of other businesses would share."
"Con Ed must be stopped from its relentless rate hikes. It's unconscionable and outrageous that they proposed yet another rate hike, this time a whopping increase of 11.4% for electricity and 13.3% for natural gas. Con Ed shareholders saw third-quarter earnings up 11.8%. Meanwhile, Social Security recipients saw only a 2.5% cost of living increase," said Assembly Member Chris Burdick. "I receive so many phone calls and emails from constituents who are now struggling to pay Con Ed bills that are double or triple what they used to be. I am calling on the Public Service Commission to reject in its entirety any increase in rates. It's time for shareholders to pony up."
Assembly Member Mary Jane Shimsky said, "Westchester residents already carry some of the highest gas and electric rates in the country. Con Ed's new filing for a double-digit increase is simply outrageous and unacceptable. It far outpaces the rate of inflation and what our residents can afford — all while Con Edison's business notches record profits. I strongly urge the Public Service Commission to reject their proposal."
"We are all suffering as a result of Con Ed's endless rate increases. Despite having solar panels on my home, I also find myself paying delivery charges that are all out of proportion to the amount of energy my household consumes. I am proud to stand with Senator Mayer and so many others to call on the Public Service Commission to reject this new request for a rate increase, and I will continue to work with my colleagues to pass legislation that will rein in our utility costs," said Assembly Member Dana Levenberg.
"Con Ed’s recent proposal for another double-digit rate increase is unacceptable. Many Westchester residents are already struggling to pay exorbitantly high ConEd bills. This proposed rate increase will contribute to making Westchester unaffordable for residents– especially our elderly and others who are living on fixed incomes. Together with my Assembly colleagues we are going to fight this increase," said Assemblywoman Amy Paulin
Assemblyman Nader Sayegh said, "I am proud to join Senator Mayer and colleagues in government to urge the rejection of a rate hike by the New York Public Service Commission. It is clear that residents across our region are suffering under already very costly electric and gas bills from Con Ed. I find the recent proposal for an additional rate hike from Con Ed to be outrageous and not feasible. Affordability and cost of living remains an issue of extreme importance for our residents and the last thing our residents need is a rate hike from Con Ed."
Watch the press conference here.
Courtesy Photos:
State Senator Shelley B. Mayer speaking. Standing behind her from L to R: Assembly Member Chris Burdick, Joel Wurzler (creator of change.org petition), Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins, Senator Robert Jackson.
Lucia Alfano, Westchester resident who shared her story and the impact of Con Edison bills.
Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins speaking. Standing behind her from L to R: Lucia Alfano, Senator Shelley Mayer, Diane Torstrup, Assembly Member Chris Burdick, Joel Wurzler, Senator Robert Jackson, Tuckahoe Trustee Josh Gaccione, and Assembly Member Mary Jane Shimsky.
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