Ritchie, Community Members Deliver Goods For Annual Christmas Dinners

State Senator Patty Ritchie and her helpers are making sure the Ogdensburg Salvation Army and Massena AmVets have what they need to serve hundreds of free dinners on Christmas Day.
On Thursday, Senator Ritchie, former Sheriff’s Deputy Mike Knowlton, Jeffrey Hammond of Collins-Hammond Electric and members of the St. Lawrence County Sheriff’s Department visited the Ogdensburg Salvation Army to present food collected for the free community dinner on Christmas Day.
Last week, Senator Ritchie asked the public to help make sure the organizations would have what it needed for its Christmas dinner by collecting supplies at her offices.
“For many people, one of the biggest holiday traditions is sitting down for a delicious, nutritious dinner, shared with others,” said Senator Patty Ritchie.
“Now, thanks to the generosity of those in our community, more local people will have that option. I want to all who got into the Christmas spirit and helped to make these upcoming dinners a reality for those in need.”
Former St. Lawrence County Sheriff’s Deputy Mike Knowlton donated 30 turkeys to the Ogdensburg Salvation Army and an additional 15 turkeys to the Massena Amvets, which is also holding a free Christmas Day dinner.
In addition, Jeffrey Hammond, representing Collins-Hammond Electric, presented $200 to the Salvation Army to help cover the cost of the dinner.
“We want to thank Senator Ritchie for helping us to obtain the supplies we needed so everyone can enjoy a nutritious Christmas dinner,” said Lt. Shaun McNeil of the Ogdensburg Salvation Army.
The dinner will be served at the Salvation Army at 410 Franklin St. in Ogdensburg at noon. The Massena AmVets dinner will be served from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the Post, which is located at 12 Andrews Street.
ATTN PHOTO EDITOR'S: Ogdensburg Salvation Army Board President Tim Davis, Joseph Hammond, Lt. Stacie McNeil, Deputy Sheriff Robert Lent, State Senator Patty Richie, Mike Knowlton, Undersheriff Brooks Bigwarfe, Sgt. Matthew Brown and Lt. Shaun McNeil.