48th Senate District Community Assistance


My office will make every effort to assist you on a broad range of issues, provided that you:


1. Are a New Yorker, and;

2. Live within the 48th Senate district; and

3. Need help regarding a State or local organization/agency


If you meet these requirements, make sure you take a look at our casework checklist, then complete the webform located below.


If you are having trouble completing the form below, call (315) 478-8745, and our team will be happy to assist you.


Casework Checklist

Before sending in a casework request, please make sure that your correspondence has:


  • A clear and concise statement describing the situation with which you require assistance.

  • Identifying information for your case, such as case/file or loan numbers.

  • A completed and signed Privacy Act Release Form will be generated when you complete the form below. This gives my staff the authority to share information about your case with the federal agency you want to work with.


Please note: 

NYS Ethics Rules prohibit me or my staff from giving legal advice or intervening in proceedings. Assistance in obtaining an attorney is available through the American Bar Association by visiting www.findlegalhelp.org; through the New York State Bar Association by calling 1-800-342-3661 or by visiting www.findalawyerNYS.org


If you cannot afford the services of an attorney, you may visit the website www.lawhelpNY.org or call 211 to find legal aid programs in your community. You may also visit the website https://ny.freelegalanswers.org to request a lawyer’s free answer to your legal question. 

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