Senator David J. Valesky was first elected to the New York State Senate in November 2004. He was born and raised in Oneida, and earned a Bachelor’s degree from SUNY Potsdam and a Master’s degree from the University of Connecticut.
He represents the 53rd Senate District, composed of Madison County and parts of Oneida and Onondaga counties, including the majority of the City of Syracuse.
Senator Valesky is the former Deputy Leader of the Independent Democratic Conference and former Vice Chairman of the Senate Health Committee. He is the ranking member of the Senate Agriculture Committee, and he is a member of the Finance; Racing, Gaming, and Wagering; Rules; and Transportation Committees. He is also a member of the Senate Select Committee on Libraries and the Rural Resources Commission.
Senator Valesky’s legislative priorities include fostering job creation and economic development in New York, especially Upstate. To this end, he has sponsored several laws that promote investment in communities and encourage businesses to locate and stay in New York State.
Senator Valesky’s top priority remains to serve the people of Central New York by providing the highest quality constituent service.