Mike Martucci is serving his first term as the Senator for the 42nd NYS Senate District which comprises all of Sullivan County and parts of Orange, Ulster and Delaware counties. He has been named the ranking member of the Senate Committees on Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities and Small Business, Commerce and Economic Development. Senator Mike Martucci grew up in the Town of Minisink and is a lifelong resident of Orange County. First and foremost, Mike is a dedicated family man who believes in giving back to his community through volunteerism, teaching and philanthropy. Mike is a successful small business owner who has employed hundreds of people locally. He started a school transportation company and was the company’s first school bus driver. A family farmer, Mike is a steward of our environment and understands the importance of preserving open space for future generations. Mike and his wife Erin, a school counselor, are raising their three children, son Michael Jr. and daughters Elizabeth and Catherine, in New Hampton, Town of Wawayanda.
At the age of 22, Mike took his life savings and opened a school bus business called Quality Bus Service. With a start-up business loan and his grandmother by his side, Mike began driving a school bus and providing service to Greenwood Lake Union Free School District in Orange County. Through hard work and with great risk and good fortune, Mike grew Quality Bus Service to over 550 employees with more than 350 school buses that provided critical services to thousands of local school children each day.
Mike cared about more than just the bottom line; he volunteered to help the school transportation industry improve safety, expand training opportunities, and foster innovation. In 2015, Mike was elected President of the New York School Bus Contractors Association becoming a leading state and national voice on school transportation. Mike worked side by side with parents, school administrators, and unions advocating for stronger school transportation safety laws to protect children, legislation to protect school transportation workers, and smarter laws to help control the cost of school transportation to allow school districts to keep more money in the classroom.
In 2019, Mike and his wife Erin established The Michael and Erin Martucci Family Foundation and dedicated $250,000 to help support local women and children in need, farmers, job creation, and education.
A proud member of the local community and a charity-minded individual, Mike enjoys volunteering for his church and supporting the Community Foundation of Orange & Sullivan. Mike is a member of the Board of Directors and Vice President of the SUNY Orange Foundation, which provides scholarships for students seeking a college education. He also chairs the annual SUNY Orange Golfing for Scholarships event to raise money for the college’s athletic scholarship fund.
Mike and his family were directly impacted by the tragic events of 9/11 and because of this, his family established the Michelle Rene Bratton Foundation to provide college scholarships for children who live in Orange, Sullivan, and Ulster Counties.
Mike obtained his Master of Business Administration and his Bachelor of Science at Marist College. Prior to Marist College, Mike graduated with honors from Orange County Community College.
In 2020, Senator Martucci was elected to his first term, representing the 42nd Senate District which is comprised of all of Sullivan County and parts of Delaware, Orange and Ulster counties. He will be laser focused on the issues that matter most to working families including eliminating property taxes for our seniors, repealing New York’s dangerous bail reform laws and ensuring we get our fair share of state education aid and other important resources. Albany has been too focused on the needs of New York City the last two years and Senator Martucci plans to be a strong voice for change.