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This entry was published on 2024-07-05
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Prohibition of public loading
Executive (EXC) CHAPTER 18, ARTICLE 19-I
§ 534-h. Prohibition of public loading. 1. It is unlawful for any
person to load or unload waterborne freight onto or from vehicles other
than railroad cars at piers or at other waterfront terminals within the
port of New York district in this state, for a fee or other
compensation, other than the following persons and their employees:

(a) Carriers of freight by water, but only at piers at which their
vessels are berthed;

(b) Other carriers of freight (including but not limited to railroads
and truckers), but only in connection with freight transported or to be
transported by such carriers;

(c) Operators of piers or other waterfront terminals (including
railroads, truck terminal operators, warehouse workers and other
persons), but only at piers or other waterfront terminals operated by

(d) Shippers or consignees of freight, but only in connection with
freight shipped by such shipper or consigned to such consignee;

(e) Stevedores licensed under section five hundred thirty-four-g of
this article, whether or not such waterborne freight has been or is to
be transported by a carrier of freight by water with which such
stevedore shall have a contract of the type prescribed by paragraph (d)
of subdivision three of section five hundred thirty-four-g of this

2. Nothing in this section contained shall be deemed to permit any
such loading or unloading of any waterborne freight at any place by any
such person by means of any independent contractor, or any other agent
other than an employee, unless such independent contractor is a person
permitted by this section to load or unload such freight at such place
in the person's own right.