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This entry was published on 2024-07-05
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Employment information centers
Executive (EXC) CHAPTER 18, ARTICLE 19-I
§ 534-o. Employment information centers. 1. The commission shall
establish and maintain one or more employment information centers within
the port of New York district in this state at such locations as it may
determine. No person shall, directly or indirectly, hire any person for
work as a longshore worker or security officer within the port of New
York district in this state, except through such particular employment
information center or centers as may be prescribed by the commission. No
person shall accept any employment as a longshore worker or security
officer within the port of New York district in this state, except
through such an employment information center. At each such employment
information center the commission shall keep and exhibit the longshore
workers' register and any other records it shall determine to the end
that longshore workers and security officers shall have the maximum
information as to available employment as such at any time within the
port of New York district in this state and to the end that employers
shall have an adequate opportunity to fill their requirements of
registered longshore workers and security officers at all times.

2. Every employer of longshore workers or security officers within the
port of New York district in this state shall furnish such information
as may be required by the rules and regulations prescribed by the
commission with regard to the name of each person hired as a longshore
worker or security officer, the time and place of hiring, the time,
place and hours of work, and the compensation therefor.