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Implementation of telecommunications hiring system for longshore workers and checkers; registration of telecommunications system controller
Executive (EXC) CHAPTER 18, ARTICLE 19-I
§ 534-p. Implementation of telecommunications hiring system for
longshore workers and checkers; registration of telecommunications
system controller. 1. The commission may designate one of the employment
information centers it is authorized to establish and maintain under
section five hundred thirty-four-o of this article for the
implementation of a telecommunications hiring system through which
longshore workers and checkers may be hired and accept employment
without any personal appearance at said center. Any such
telecommunications hiring system shall incorporate hiring and seniority
agreements between the employers of longshore workers and checkers and
the labor organization representing longshore workers and checkers in
the port of New York district in this state, provided said agreements
are not in conflict with the provisions of the article.

2. The commission shall permit employees of the association
representing employers of longshore workers and checkers and of the
labor organization representing longshore workers and checkers in the
port of New York district in this state, or of a joint board of such
association and labor organization, to participate in the operation of
said telecommunications hiring system, provided that any such employee
is registered by the commission as a "telecommunications system
controller" in accordance with the provisions, standards and grounds set
forth in the act with respect to the registration of checkers. No person
shall act as a "telecommunications system controller" unless that person
is so registered. Any application for such registration and any
registration made or issued may be denied, revoked, or suspended, as the
case may be, only in the manner prescribed in section five hundred
thirty-four-n of this article. Any and all such participation in the
operation of said telecommunications hiring system shall be monitored by
the commission.

3. Any and all records, documents, tapes, discs and other data
compiled, collected or maintained by said association of employers,
labor organization and joint board of such association and labor
organization pertaining to the telecommunications hiring system shall be
available for inspection, investigation and duplication by the