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Denial of applications
Executive (EXC) CHAPTER 18, ARTICLE 19-I
§ 534-t. Denial of applications. In addition to the grounds elsewhere
set forth in this article, the commission may deny an application for a
license or registration for any of the following:

1. Conviction by a court of the United States or any state or
territory thereof of coercion;

2. Conviction by any such court, after having been previously
convicted by any such court of any crime or of the offenses set forth in
this article, of a misdemeanor or any of the following offenses:
assault, malicious injury to property, malicious mischief, unlawful
taking of a motor vehicle, corruption of employees or possession of
lottery or number slips;

3. Fraud, deceit or misrepresentation in connection with any
application or petition submitted to, or any interview, hearing or
proceeding conducted by the commission;

4. Violation of any provision of this act or commission of any offense
under this article;

5. Refusal on the part of any applicant, or prospective licensee, or
of any member, officer or stockholder required by subdivision two of
section five hundred thirty-four-g of this article to sign or be
identified in an application for a stevedore license, to answer any
material question or produce any material evidence in connection with
the person's application or any application made on the person's behalf
for a license or registration pursuant to this article;

6. Association with a person who has been identified by a federal,
state, or local law enforcement agency as a member or associate of an
organized crime group, a terrorist group, or a career offender cartel,
or who is a career offender, under circumstances where such association
creates a reasonable belief that the participation of the applicant in
any activity required to be licensed under this article would be
inimical to the policies of this article, provided, however, that
association without the requisite showing of inimicality as set forth
herein shall be insufficient grounds for denial; or

7. Conviction of a racketeering activity or knowing association with a
person who has been convicted of a racketeering activity by a court of
the United States or any state or territory thereof under circumstances
where such association creates a reasonable belief that the
participation of the applicant in any activity required to be licensed
under this article would be inimical to the policies of this article,
provided, however, that association without the requisite showing of
inimicality as set forth herein shall be insufficient grounds for