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This entry was published on 2024-07-05
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Transfer of officers, employees
Executive (EXC) CHAPTER 18, ARTICLE 19-I
§ 534-y. Transfer of officers, employees. 1. Any officer or employee
in the state, county or municipal civil service in either state who
shall transfer to service with the commission may be given one or more
leaves of absence without pay and may, before the expiration of such
leave or leaves of absence, and without further examination or
qualification, return to the person's former position or be certified by
the appropriate civil service agency for retransfer to a comparable
position in such state, county, or municipal civil service if such a
position is then available.

2. The commission may, by agreement with any federal agency from which
any officer or employee may transfer to service with the commission,
make similar provision for the retransfer of such officer or employee to
such federal agency.

3. Any officer or employee in the state, county or municipal service
in New York state who shall transfer to service with the commission and
who is a member of the New York state and local retirement system, shall
continue to have all rights, privileges, obligations and status with
respect to such system as provided under the retirement and social
security law.