Creative Celebration
December 22, 2011

Dear Participant,
Thank you for your wonderful contribution to the Thanksgiving Day Creative Celebration. In our first year, we received outstanding poems, essays, and artwork that exemplify the creativity of New York State’s young people.
The submissions received are remarkable in what they represent – showing gratitude and respect for family, friends, our troops fighting overseas, and many other important subjects and activities. I am humbled and honored to see such inspiring contributions in response to what is a deceptively difficult question: “What are you thankful for?”
On behalf of the New York State Senate, I would like to offer my wholehearted congratulations to all of the participants in this year’s Thanksgiving Day Creative Celebration.
Senator Zeldin
Academy Street Elementary School
- Jillian Carson
- Caitlin Cusack
- Colin Erickson
- Ailish Kelly
- Pierce Prednergast
- Kaden Smith
- Madison Waters
Brookhaven Elementary School
John S. Hobart Elementary
Loretta Park Elementary School
Nathaniel Woodhull Elementary School
River Avenue Elementary School
- Christopher Cajamarca
- Ryan Charvat
- Alyssa Delgado
- Devante Flemmings
- Stephanie Henry
- Stephanie Henry
- Emily Palmero
- Rachel Torres
St. Mary School
Sylvan Avenue Elementary School
- Megan Alden
- Shannon Alden
- Daniel Barber
- Kyle Barber
- Erick Benavides
- Kyle Benkov
- Faith Besser
- Angelina Bevilacqua
- Tyler Bilanski
- Christopher Bochichio
- Ryan Boris
- James Bott
- Tristan Breaton
- Ansley Brogan
- Ava Brogan
- Jaidan Burling
- Madison Burling
- Jason Cabarcas
- Aidan Cameron
- Joseph Campasano
- Michael Cancellieri
- Jennifer Cando
- Juliette Cando
- Ava Capobianco
- Noah Carew
- Melanie Carey
- Marisa Carney
- William Casey
- Erick Castro
- Ethan Christophersen
- Logan Cirone
- Brady Clark
- Maggie Clark
- Benjamin Colombo
- Cadence Corcoran
- Ericka Corrado
- Jonluca Cortese
- Joseph Cruzado
- Ian Cucci
- Jake Daniels
- Emily Denton
- Alyna Dolan
- Braedan Downey
- Dillon Duffy
- Cole Dunton
- Hannah Dunton
- Gianna Echevarria
- Michael Echevarria
- Nicole Echevarria
- Jack Edwards
- Carly Farrell
- Vincent Fernandez
- Andrew Flynn
- Ryan Foley
- Abigail Friscia
- Maxwell Gallagher
- Tyler Gallagher
- Dylan Garcia
- LilyClaire Garcia
- Kyle Gedney
- Sophia Gianakas
- Sophia Gianakas
- Felicia Giglio
- Kyle Goodey
- Aidan Granville
- Jack Hawkins
- Dylan Hayes
- Ryan Holmes
- Ryan Holmes
- Adam Horvath
- Salma Iniguez
- Aiden Jarvis
- Connor Jarvis
- Madeline Jensen
- Kevin Jeran
- Logan Jones
- Shannon Jones
- Nicolas Justice
- Christofer Karl
- Lauren Kelly
- Victoria Kennedy
- James Kiley
- Kristin Kloss
- Patrick Knapp
- Christopher Kunsch
- Emily Kunsch
- Patrick Larkin
- Abigail Larsson
- Jeremiah Lee
- Kimberly Logan
- Ellie Long
- Olivia LoSardo
- Isabella MacKenzie
- Mackenzie Maurer
- Robert Maurer
- Olivia Mavesky
- Landon McCarthy
- John McDonald
- Erin McMahon
- Kyle Meland-Castellano
- Alexandra Messina
- Amanda Messina
- Danielle Messina
- Stephanie Minissale
- Lily Moller
- Vanessa Montalbano
- Nicholas Moran
- Declan Morrell-Smith
- Alexa Murphy
- Shaun Murphy
- Omer Murtezaoglu
- Morgan Nieroda
- Ashley Oelcher
- Kayley Otero
- Dominic Paciulli
- Rani Patel
- Robert Paton
- Kiara Pearsall
- Olivia Rakowski
- Melissa Redlo
- Hayden Reese
- Isabelle Reyer
- Timothy Riordan
- Melanie Rodriguez
- Braeden Rosner
- Tommy Seifert
- Christopher Sekela
- Ava Soricelli
- Tatiana Soto
- Angelina Sparacio
- Riley Spencer
- Nicolette Spinella
- Nicole Steyert
- Jillian Storminger
- Connor Swezey
- Shannon Swezey
- Christian Symonds
- Madison Thompson
- Cynthia Torre
- Chris Van Dood
- Matthew Van Pelt
- Derek Varley
- Miller Varley
- Ryan Vavricka
- Kayla Vazquez
- Nicholas Venero
- Angelina Veverka
- Madison Weybrecht
- Elizabeth Wikan
- Rachel Wilans
- Vaughan Winnicki
- Emily Wolfe
- Megan Young
- Douglas McDonough
- Taylor Space
Tamarac Elementary School
- Cassidy Albano
- Nicholas Becher
- joey boss
- Damian Cruz
- Thomas Fedler
- Alexa Gross
- Emma Hannigan
- Emma Hannigan
- Erica Hecht
- Ashley Huag
- Jillian Martinek
- Julia Nadolne
- Alexandra piezzo
- jenna piezzo
- Rahul Ram
- Alexa Rappa
- Andrew Ryder
- morgan santoli
- Ralph Scopo
- Sophie Sejarto
- Sydney Stander
- sean temme
- amanda Watson
- samantha woodburn
- Sophie Prettitore
Waverly Ave. Elementary School
William Paca Middle School
- Julianna Berini
- thomas brazzel
- Brianna Candelario
- Miranda Carlo
- Andrew Carney
- xavier charles
- brandon contino
- sebastian cwalinski
- Leilani D'Errico
- talia dongvort
- Adwoa Enin
- gaebriel gonzalez
- daniela guardada
- James Klaus
- Jenna Klaus
- Jessica Laguerra
- Amanda Logan
- francis marino
- cassie mcmillin
- Cassandra Negron
- Michael Parris
- Justin Povey
- Matthew Riccardi
- kevin rodriguez
- Michael Scaturro
- Mahrukh Shahzadi
- Daniel Torres
- sydney white
- Brandon Zack