Senator Dilan Urges LATFOR to Publicize Data, Dates and Meetings to Bolster Public Participation in Upcoming Map Drawing Process

Senator Martin Malavé Dilan, member of the Legislative Task Force on Demographic Research and Reapportionment (LATFOR), sent a letter to his LATFOR colleagues asking that they make public all criteria necessary for the public to actively engage in the drawing of New York’s Assembly, Congressional and Senate legislative districts.

Upon the conclusion of the pre-initial plan public hearings on October 5, LATFOR will actively begin the process of redistricting state and congressional legislative districts. It is of the utmost importance that public map proposals are submitted and considered during this time.

Senator Dilan has asked that all data, including the geo-coded prison-population in accordance with law, be made available for the public’s use in the drawing of their proposals. He has also asked that submittal deadlines be made public, as well as an upcoming public schedule for webcast LATFOR drafting sessions.