Open Letter to Governor Cuomo -- The New York State DREAM Act

April 4, 2012

The Honorable Andrew M. Cuomo
Governor of the State of New York
Executive Chamber
New York State Capitol Building
Albany, NY  12224

    Re:    Open Letter -- The New York State DREAM Act

Dear Governor:

With great concern and disappointment  I am writing you today.  On March 27, 2012, during a press conference regarding budgetary agreements, you were asked about your support of the New York State DREAM Act.  My disappointment was sparked by the implication that  it is not worth your support because it cannot offer citizenship. Though, you later stated that you support the concept of “creative ways to incentivize education for new immigrants.” I would like to take this opportunity to clarify any misconceptions you may have about the state NYS Dream Act as proposed by my bill S4179C.  I am concerned that on one hand you state that you fully support it and you support creative ways to incentivize education for new immigrants, yet you are not supporting it.  Let me take this opportunity to clarify....