Senator DeFrancisco Recognizes 2014 OCC Alumni Faces Honorees

John A. DeFrancisco

October 10, 2014

State Senator John A. DeFrancisco is pictured with Gabriel Bol Deng, who was recently recognized as an OCC Alumni Faces honoree on October 1, 2014.  Mr. Deng was one of four distinguished alumni honored for their professional achievements and contributions to the community.

Deng is a former “Lost Boy” who has dedicated his life to the Hope for Ariang Foundation, an organization which helps people in his hometown of Ariang in the South Sudan. 

The other three honorees are Andy Italiano, a ‘85 OCC graduate and five-time Emmy award-winning sports videographer, Cody Jamieson, a '08 OCC gradudate and top lacrosse player, and Stella Barbuto Penizotto, a ‘90 OCC gradudate and owner or several local child care centers.