Senator Golden Honors Six Civic Activists Who Have Made A Difference In Community

Brooklyn- State Senator Martin J. Golden (R-C, 22nd District), honored six Brooklyn residents who have made a difference in the quality of life of the Marine Park, Gerritsen Beach, Gravesend and Sheepshead Bay communities on Thursday, January 27, 2005 at 7:00 p.m. at the Cort Club located at 2648 Gerritsen Avenue in Brooklyn.
Senator Golden speaking to the honorees stated, "You are the people that make this community run. You are the ones that go that extra mile, that wake up a little earlier, that go to that important meeting on the hot nights and the cold nights, and you are those that are attentive to the issues we face. This is our corner of the world and your dedication to our quality of life makes it a very fine place."
The honorees include: Joseph Ferrugio, Gravesend Athletic Association; John Bratichak, Troop 353 Boy Scouts of America;Louis Spina, Kings Bay Youth Organization; John Cuccurullo, Good Shepherd Sports Program; Dorothy Giglio, Community School District 22 Educational Advocate; and Claude "Buddy" DeWitt, Gerritsen Beach Cares.
Maria D’Alessandro of the Marine Park Civic Association was another of the honoree but was unable to attend.