Senator Golden Tours Fort Hamilton Parkway Construction Site With D.d.c. Commissioner David Burney And Community Board
Brooklyn- State Senator Martin J. Golden (R-C-I, 22nd District) recently arranged an on-site meeting of the Fort Hamilton Parkway construction project with New York City Department of Design and Construction Commissioner David Burney and staff with the intention of reviewing the current status of the project and obtaining a timeline for the remainder of the project, as well to address the concerns of local residents and merchants.
Joining Golden and Burney at the meeting were Bob Yueh, Brooklyn Boro Director, Richard Zetturland, Assistant Commissioner of Construction Management, Joseph LaBarca, Resident Engineer, Carol Nurse, D.D.C. Community Liaison, and Phil Hui of JR Cruz, and Community Board 10 District Manager Josephine Beckmann. Local residents and storeowners also toured the construction site with Senator Golden and City officials.
The timeline for the completion of the Fort Hamilton Parkway Project is as follows:
-September/October: Remove Tunnel Lines Clean Tunnel
-October: Water Main Realignment – begin above ground trench work
-October: Begin trench work for above ground sewer mains and realignment of watermains
(This work will go through to December except in area of holiday embargo – 92nd Street)
-December through February: Install sewers along Fort Hamilton Parkway
-March: Install 54" RCP along Fort Hamilton Parkway
-May: Final Restoration
It should be noted that during the New York City Marathon, the 92nd Street intersection at Fort Hamilton Parkway, will be temporarily covered and asphalted. For this brief time, 92nd Street will be reopened.
Throughout the course of the on-site meeting, residents and storeowners addressed their concerns to Department of Design and Construction officials. The complaints centered around the intersection of 92nd Street and Fort Hamilton Parkway, issues which included the closing of two businesses and that of traffic tie-ups near Public School 104 and St. Patrick’s School.
Other concerns raised were from the area of 95th Street through 97th Street on Fort Hamilton Parkway. Senator Golden, with local area residents and City officials, inspected property damage in this area and saw cracked sidewalks and stoops. The Department of Design and Construction reassured local residents to contact their field office and all claims of damage will be reviewed and the contractor will make the necessary repairs.
At the meeting, Department of Design and Construction officials explained that the contractor is filing plans with the Department of Transportation to ask for a partial holiday embargo on 92nd Street. This will not involve any water shut off and work will be done only within a small chamber on 92nd Street. Two way traffic will be restored on 92nd after the marathon, but there will be chamber work restricted to a small area within the intersection of 92nd Street. Also at the meeting, there was a discussion of the general cleanliness of the work site.
Senator Marty Golden stated, "I thank the Department of Design and Construction for responding to my request to meet at the Fort Hamilton Parkway construction site. The meeting was very productive and addressed many of the concerns of both the residents and the storeowners. I thank the residents of Fort Hamilton Parkway for their patience and they should be assured that the Department of Design and Construction is working to make better Fort Hamilton Parkway."
Josephine Beckmann, District Manager of Community Board 10 stated, "The Community Board continues to work with the Department of Design and Construction to insure that this reconstruction project goes smoothly and has the least impact on area residents and merchants."