'tis The Season To Show Our Support For The Members Of United States Armed Services
Brooklyn- State Senator Martin J. Golden (R-C, 22nd District) today is announcing the kick off of a holiday troop drive to support our heroes this upcoming season.
Senator Marty Golden, a member of the Senate Committee on Homeland Security, Military and Veteran Affairs stated, "What better way to say thank you to those brave men and women that are currently serving in the Armed Forces by making sure that this holiday season, they have the personal items necessary to enhance their quality of life overseas. May we continue to remember that it is our military who has allowed us to live in freedom and to celebrate our holidays amongst family and friends."
Golden continued, "The troops of the United States have devoted their life and their career to the protection of our nation. I trust that this community will come together and will show their gratitude to our American heroes."
Suggestion donations include: socks, T-shirts, unscented powder, chap stick, batteries, Long Johns, snacks, baby wipes, Pop Tarts, shaving cream, toothpaste, deodorant, toothbrushes, mouthwash, combs, toiletries, canned goods, chips, powdered drinks, cups of soup, DVD’s, newspapers, books, magazines, sun block, flea, tick and lice powder, Beanie Babies, board games, and holiday cards.
Donations will be accepted until Monday, December 5, 2005 at either of Senator Golden’s District Offices located at 7403-5th Avenue or at 3610 Quentin Road. For more information please contact (718) 238-6044 or (718) 627-3659.