Senator Golden Hosts Annual Asian Lunar New Year Celebration In Honor Of The Year Of The Dog

Senator Marty Golden together with the Chinese American Partnership Inc. hosted the 5th annual Lunar New Year celebration on Sunday February 26, 2006 from 3 to 6pm at New Utrecht High School in Brooklyn. The celebration, attended by over 900 people, included cultural performances, community information, raffles and an awards presentation.
Senator Marty Golden stated, "I was so very proud to host my 5th Lunar New Year Celebration here in Brooklyn in recognition of the year of the Dog. In 2004, I proposed in the Senate to have Lunar New Year to be official celebration day. The legislation became law and so from this year onward, New York State has an official state recognized celebration"
The celebration had over 20 sponsors from the local business. The celebration included performances by seniors, children, and professionals of diverse ethnic backgrounds including Chinese, Malaysian and Korean. A Lucky drawing with hundreds of prizes was held at the event.
The honorees included: Susan Chik, Iris Chiu, Jack Chi Hon Tam, Chang Xie, Janice Yang and Jennifer Yao.