Senator Nozzolio And Assemblyman Gary Finch Announce Creation Of Bombardier Transportation Task Force

Auburn – In an effort to assist Bombardier Transportation employees who will be displaced as a result of the company's recent decision to close it's Auburn plant, New York State Senator Michael F. Nozzolio (R-Fayette) and Assemblyman Gary Finch have announced
the creation of a Task Force to assist the workers of Bombardier Transportation. Senator Nozzolio and Assemblyman Finch have assembled a state, local and labor partnership, including representatives of the New York State Department of Labor Rapid Response Team. The Task Force has scheduled its first meeting Saturday, February 4th - 11:00 A.M. at the Auburn City Hall Counsel Chambers, to provide employees with essential information on benefits and assistance that they may be entitled to from New York State as well as the City and County.
“We are all shocked with the recent news of Bombardier Transportation’s closure. I stand ready to do everything possible to work with the Department of Labor and other local agencies to ensure that each employee affected by this decision receives the services and assistance they need. I will work aggressively with the State Department of Labor to ensure that retraining funds and assistance are available" said Senator Nozzolio.
“As an strong advocate for Bombardier Transportation and its employees, I intend to offer my full support and commitment to ensure that displaced employees receive the information they need to help them secure benefits, training and job placement assistance to allow them to return to the work force and be able to provide for their families, said Assemblyman Gary Finch.”
Joining Senator Nozzolio and Assemblyman Finch on the Task Force will be:
· Timothy Lattimore, Mayor, City of Auburn
· George Fearon, Chairman, Cayuga County Legislature
· Dennis Golladay, President, Cayuga Community College
· Jocelyn Van Gelder, Manager, New York State Department of Labor
· Ted Herrling, Director, Cayuga County Employment Training
· Joseph Bennett, President, USW, Local 3482
· Michele Fitzsimmons-Evener, Vice President, USW, Local 3482
Senator Nozzolio has been a staunch advocate and fought aggressively throughout Bombardier's presence in Cayuga County for contracts that would help bring badly needed work to Bombardier's Cayuga County operation. Senator Nozzolio played a significant role in helping the company obtain a multi–million dollar state contract for the production of
over 1170 subway cars. In the past year, Senator Nozzolio met with company officials and also visited Bombardier’s facility in Auburn to offer support to the company.
Senator Nozzolio and members of the Task Force will work with the Department of Labor Rapid Response Team to provide needed information to displaced Bombardier employees. The Department of Labor will present career resource information and options that will be accessible to them through the local New York State Department of Labor/CareerCenter.
The Labor Department will also give information on the Unemployment Insurance process
as well as other job placement training resources and information that are available.