Sen. Alesi To Chair Reform Committee On Joint Conference Committees

Senator Jim Alesi (R-Perinton) today announced that he has been appointed to chair the newly formed Senate Committee on Joint Conference Committees. This committee will work with the Assembly to reach agreement on important pieces of legislation that are currently stalled in the committee process. Senator Alesi will hold this post in addition to his duties as Chairman of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Economic Development and Small Business.
Historically, conference committees are rarely, if ever used. By implementating the Joint Conference Committees, the legislative process in New York will be vastly improved.
"This committee process is something I have long advocated for and I’m pleased to receive this chairmanship so we can begin the process of negiotiating the differences in critical legislation that has languished in committee year after year," said Senator Alesi. "Too much good legislation is never signed into law because of differences between the language in the Senate and Assembly bills. This process will allow those differences to be discussed openly and publicly. Hopefully, both Houses will be able to come to resolution on many necessary bills that are being held up in committee."
The committee began its work this week and will continue to meet weekly to sort through hundreds of bills in the Assembly and Senate that are similar, but not exactly the same, to work toward a consensus.
"We’ve seen this year how public discussion and coming together at the table to talk about our differences can result in a positive piece of legislation that all sides can agree on," Senator Alesi said. "Hundreds of so-called ‘one House’ bills pass through the Senate and the Assembly and die at the end of the session. That is wasteful when we can convene these joint conference committees and work on meaningful bills that end up signed into law. I look forward to beginning the committee’s work and starting the dialogue between the Senate and the Assembly."