Delaware County "reality Check" Reps Visit With Senator Bonacic In Albany

John J. Bonacic

State Senator John J. Bonacic (R/I/C - Mount Hope) met with several youth from Delaware County and the Director of the Tri-Town Boys and Girls Club in Albany on April 17th. They traveled to Albany to express their concerns to Senator Bonacic about the ill-health effects of tobacco use, as well as, the advertising methods used by tobacco companies. The group related their problem with tobacco companies because they seem to be marketing their products directly to teens.

Visiting with Senator Bonacic were: Jessica Fusco from Unadilla, Cheryl Jones, Nolan Van Fleet, and Susie Burgher from Sidney, Jeff Beach from Oneonta, as well as James Tweedie, Director of the Tri-Town Boys and Girls Club.