Senator Andrew Lanza Named A 2008 Eco-star

Andrew J Lanza

NEW YORK --- The New York League of Conservation Voters Education Fund, a nonprofit organization dedicated to improving New York’s environment, has named Senator Andrew Lanza (R-24 th District, Staten Island) a 2008 "Eco-Star" for his efforts to ensure that all New Yorkers can enjoy cleaner air, lower greenhouse gas emissions and a better quality of life.

"Senator Andrew Lanza played an important role in advancing an environmental agenda in Albany," said NYLCVEF President Marcia Bystryn. "We look forward to working with him and all of our elected leaders on the many challenges ahead, particularly mass transit funding and smart growth."

In the 2008 legislative session, which ended last month, Senator Lanza sponsored legislation that would lift New York City’s sales tax on hybrid automobiles, making ownership of these environmentally friendly vehicles more affordable. He also spearheaded efforts to significantly reduce particulate emissions by completely banning school-bus idling. In addition, Senator Lanza sponsored groundbreaking legislation that will provide a tax credit for New York City building owners who install green roofs, which have the potential to significantly reduce energy consumption.

In response to being named a 2008 Eco-Star,

Senator Lanza said: "It is important to do all we can to preserve our environment. A clean environment is perhaps the greatest legacy we can leave our children."


Lanza was one of 10 lawmakers, representing both parties and houses, recognized for their support of the environment. The other 2008 Eco-Stars are: Sen. Marty Golden (R-Brooklyn), Sen. Kenneth LaValle (R-Suffolk County), Sen. Vincent Leibell (R-Dutchess and Westchester Counties), Assemblyman Jonathan Bing (D-Manhattan), Assemblyman Kevin Cahill (D-Ulster and Dutchess Counties), Assemblyman Steve Englebright (D-Suffolk County), Assemblyman Adriano Espaillat (D-Manhattan), Assemblyman Brian Kavanagh (D-Manhattan) and Assemblyman Robert Sweeney (D-Suffolk County).
