Senator Huntley Sponsors Annual Winter Coat Drive
Queens Tribune Online
By Ivan Pereira
JAMAICA-As old man winter rears his frigid head, Senator Shirley L. Huntley (D-Jamaica) wants to make sure needy southeast Queens residents stay safe and comfortable.
The senator, along with state Assemblyman William Scarborough (D- St. Albans) and Rory Lancman (Fresh Meadows) and City Councilmen Leroy Comrie (D-St. Albans) and James Gennaro (D-Fresh Meadows), is holding her second annual coat drive for homeless and low-income residents.
"I am calling on my residents to go to their wardrobes and bring a coat to the announced drop off locations. Together we can make a difference for many New Yorkers struggling to survive the final two months of winter," Senator Huntley said in a statement.
Residents can drop off new coats, gloves and hats to the politicians' district offices located within southeast Queens between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. until January 23rd. On January 25th, the clothing will be distributed at the Proctor Hopson Post located at 110-02 Merrick Boulevard.
Coats will also be distributed at Rufus King Park the same day. Free tours, historic games, and arts and craft workshops will be offered to children and family that attend.
Last year the drive distributed more than 400 coats to residents, according to the senator.
For more information call Sen. Shirley Huntley's office at (718) 322-2537.