Senator Steve Saland Invites Students To Join In I*ma*green*nation Competition

Stephen M. Saland

Senator Steve Saland (R,I,C Poughkeepsie) today called for local student entries for the 17th annual I*MA*GREEN*NATION Celebration, a statewide competition that encourages student awareness of environmental issues.

The Senate-sponsored competition is open to students in grades one through eight, and includes an awards presentation at the State Capitol in Albany on Tuesday, May 20, 2008, where winners will receive award medals, view submissions by their fellow students from around the State and have the opportunity to tour the seat of State government.

Last year, more than 600 projects were submitted that explored issues relating to solid waste and recycling, and more than 1,200 students and their teachers traveled to the capital to participate in the competition events.

"I*MA*GREEN*NATION encourages youngsters to take an interest in their environment and use their imagination and creativity to identify challenges that face our community and offer their own insights on possible solutions. Participation is fun, challenging and a great opportunity for children to learn about ways they can have an impact on making New York a cleaner, more livable state," said Senator Saland.

Schools wishing to participate in this year's event must register by March 7, 2008 and the entry deadline is March 30, 2008. For registration forms and additional information, schools may contact Senator Saland's office at 518-455-2411.

"Our community has always been well-represented in past competitions and I am sure that this year will be no exception," said Senator Saland. "I look forward to seeing the creative ideas of our young people to address the pressing issues of a cleaner environment."