NY Daily News: Sen. Espaillat praises Gov. Cuomo's support for strengtheing and extending rent regulations

Adriano Espaillat

Espaillat Gives Cuomo Props On Rent Robocall

BY Celeste Katz

Minority state lawmakers have made no secret of the fact they consider rent regulation a defining issue in their relationship with Gov. Cuomo.

Our Glenn Blain reports:

Gov. Cuomo’s move today to launch robocalls pushing for stronger rent laws has earned him support from one key member of the Black, Puerto Rican, Hispanic and Asian Legislative Caucus – state Sen. Adriano Espaillat.

Here's Espaillat's statement:

“Millions of New Yorkers would be devastated if rent regulations expire on June 15th. But we can’t simply extend rent laws. We must also strengthen them to close the various loopholes that lead to rent increases and tenant harassment.

“Gov. Cuomo’s clear support for extending and strengthening rent regulations is heartening to all of us who love New York and want to prevent middle-class and working families from being squeezed out of their homes. With the Assembly having passed a strong rent regulations bill and the Governor coming out in support, it’s time Senate Republicans step up to the plate and protect millions of tenants.

“Let’s extend and strengthen rent regulations and let’s do it now.”

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