O'Mara issues reminder that 2012-13 hunting and fishing licenses now on sale

Albany, N.Y., August 14—State Senator Tom O’Mara (R-C, Big Flats) reminded area sportsmen and sportswomen today that 2012-2013 hunting, fishing and trapping licenses, and Deer Management Permits (DMPs), are now on sale at 1,500 license outlets statewide.
“New York State’s sportsmen and sportswomen are economic engines throughout the upstate region. They stand as strong defenders of New York’s hunting and fishing heritage, and they work hard to enhance and protect our natural resources,” said O’Mara, an avid sportsman and member of the Senate Environmental Conservation Committee. “The annual sales of sporting licenses are the backbone of the Conservation Fund and critical to New York’s ability to manage fish and wildlife populations and protect wildlife habitat.”
According to the state Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC), the 2012-13 hunting, fishing and trapping licenses, and Deer Management Permits (DMPs), went on sale on Monday, August 13. Licenses and permits can be purchased at any of DEC's 1,500 license sales outlets statewide. Sporting licenses can also be ordered by telephone or online through the DEC website (www.dec.ny.gov).
The licenses are valid beginning October 1, 2012. O’Mara said that the new Hunting & Trapping and Freshwater Fishing regulations guides are available at all license issuing outlets, as well as from the DEC website.
The DEC Automated Licensing System (DECALS) is a computerized system for issuing sporting licenses and tracking sales and revenues. DECALS may also be used for donations to the Habitat Access Stamp Program, Venison Donation Coalition, Conservation Fund and the Trail Maintenance Program.
O’Mara joined the DEC in encouraging sportsmen to consider the purchase of a Habitat/Access Stamp and/or a Trail Supporter Patch. These stamps and patches help support DEC's efforts to conserve habitat and increase public access for fish and wildlife-related recreation and maintain trails. Purchasing a $5 stamp or patch or donating directly to the Conservation Fund is a way to help conserve the state’s wildlife heritage and enhance outdoor recreation. Additionally, anyone - not just hunters and anglers - can help feed the hungry by contributing to the Venison Donation Program at all license issuing outlets. Individuals should inform the license sales agent that they want to make a donation of $1 or more to support the program. Since 1999, the Venison Donation Coalition has paid for the processing of more than 330 tons of highly nutritious venison, the equivalent of 2.8 million meals served.
For questions regarding license purchases, please call DECALS Call Center can be contacted at 1-866-933-2257 for questions regarding license purchases. The center operates from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., Monday through Saturday from August 13 to October 13. Regular weekday hours, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., will resume on October 15.
License buyers should have the following information ready when applying: complete name and address information, customer ID number if you have it, proof of residency information (driver's license number or non-driver's ID number with a valid NYS address to qualify for a resident license), and, if purchasing by phone or online, credit card and card expiration date. Hunting license purchases require individuals to provide proof of hunting education certification or a copy of a previous license, or this information must already be contained in their DECALS file.