Avella gets school grant

Tony Avella

A new $705,000 in state funding for specialized after-school programs was announced Monday by state Sen. Tony Avella (D-Bayside).

The yearlong program will be administered by Project BOOST, which targets students who have shown academic talent but are not provided after-school programs. The goal is to help youngsters gain admission to top high schools and colleges.

The program is open to all 47 schools in the 11th Senate District. So far, PS 184, 129, 121, 130, 29 and 209 will participate. More are expected to get involved. The focus will be decided by each school and Project BOOST, short for Building Options and Opportunities for Students.

Programs are likely to include tutoring and trips to museums and colleges.

“Through Project BOOST, we are leveling the playing field and making it possible for thousands of young people to achieve their dreams of going to college and building successful careers,” said Harvey Newman of Project BOOST.

Avella said “It will go a long way in making a difference in the lives of the students in my district.”

Read the whole story here.