Baldwin School District installs new digital sign
The Baldwin School District has installed a brand new state-of-the-art digital welcome sign at the entrance of the high school on Grand Avenue.
The district used funds from two grants — a $100,000 state grant that State Sen. Todd Kaminsky secured and an $80,000 Nassau County grant secured by County Executive Laura Curran in 2017, who was a legislator at the time — to purchase the sign.
Now complete, the sign will be used to highlight events and programs throughout the Baldwin school system, according to a news release. It will also be used as a mass messaging service for the community.
Schools Superintendent Dr. Shari Camhi thanked Kaminsky, Curran and Nassau County Legislator Debra Mulé for awarding the grant that funded the “implementation of a new communications tool.”
“We look forward to using the new digital Marquee, located on Grand Avenue at the entrance of Baldwin High School, to keep our community informed about important news concerning our schools,” Camhi said, “and to proudly display our district’s and students’ latest achievements.”
“The achievements of the students and staff at the Baldwin School District have been tremendous,” Kaminsky said, “and I am thrilled that the community will be able to share in their successes now that this sign is installed.”
“The installation of this digital sign,” Curran, a Baldwin resident, said, “was a true community-based effort that I hope will boost school spirit while delivering messages to students, teachers and residents for decades to come.”
“Providing our schools and teachers with the resources necessary to give Baldwin’s children a first-rate education to be proud of is crucial,” Assemblywoman Judy Griffin said. “I was pleased to support Senator Kaminsky’s efforts to secure this new sign for the Baldwin School District and I look forward to seeing it shine for many years to come!”