New squatter bills proposed in New York to track and charge trespassers

Dan Krauth

Originally published in ABC 7 NY on .

NEW YORK CITY (WABC) -- A group of New York City councilmembers are throwing their support behind two new bills that would deal with "squatters" in the city and state. This is in addition to changes that have already been made recently to state property law.

"This is a really great first step and I considerate a huge win," Senator Jessica Scarcella-Spanton said.

She filed a bill to expand on the changes that have already been made.

Her bill would allow prosecutors to charge squatters with criminal trespassing and give tenants rights after 60 days, instead of 30 days.

"We want to add this enhancement so that people know that not only do squatters not have rights but it also has criminal repercussions attached to it," Senator Scarcella-Spanton said.

On Thursday, Councilmember Zhuang also filed a resolution in support of Senator Scarcella-Spanton's bill.

Read the full article here.