Larkin Calls On Congress And U.s. Postal Service To Make Purple Heart Stamp Permanent

William J. Larkin Jr.

May 17, 2007

With the new postal rate taking effect this week, State Senator Bill Larkin (R-C, Cornwall-on-Hudson) today called upon Congress and the United States Postal Service to issue a "forever stamp" for the Purple Heart stamp.

With Senator Larkin’s full support, New York House of Representative Peter King (R-Seaford) has introduced The Perpetual Purple Heart Stamp Act to make the Purple Heart stamp a permanent "forever stamp." The stamp, which honors the country’s heroic service members wounded or killed in combat, is in jeopardy of being retired with the new rate change. Senator Hillary Clinton (D-NY) is sponsoring the bill in the Senate.

"As we all know, the challenges of war and the danger to American troops still continues today as it did when the stamp was first introduced on May 30, 2003," said Senator Larkin. "On that day, countless individuals expressed their gratitude to our men and women in uniform and remarked how the Purple Heart stamp was so timely in relation to what this country was going through. Difficult times continue, but the praise we gave our troops in 2003 is still echoed today. The Purple Heart stamp represents one more small way we can honor our veterans and their families."

The "forever stamp" is a new innovation by the USPS under which the stamp meets the postage required for first-class mail up to one ounce in weight even if the rate of postage is later increased.

Senator Larkin is appealing to all New Yorkers to contact their congressional representatives, Senators Schumer and Clinton, and Congressmen Hinchey and Hall to express your support for the forever Purple Heart stamp.