Legislation to Amend HIV Testing

Shirley L. Huntley

May 26, 2009

News From the
New York State
Senator Shirley L. Huntley

For Immediate Release: May 27, 2009

Contact: Monica Pringle| (718) 523-3069| pringle@senate.state.ny.us
Selvena N. Brooks | (212) 298-5616 | sbrooks@senate.state.ny.us

Senator Huntley and Assemblywoman Robinson Urge Support of Legislation to Amend HIV Testing (A. 7757/S. 4484)

State Senator Shirley L. Huntley and Assemblywoman Annette M. Robinson will hold a press conference to announce key legislation that will amend an existing law, implementing several significant reforms to New York’s HIV testing laws. Statistically, New York has the highest number of reported HIV/AIDS cases in the country.

The bill will also include key recommendations issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in 2006, which will remove barriers and promote HIV testing.

WHO:              Senator Shirley L. Huntley (D-Jamaica) and Assemblywoman Annette M. Robinson (D-Brooklyn)

PARTICIPATING ORGANIZATIONS: Harlem United Community AIDS Center, Latino Commission on AIDS, Black Leadership Commission on AIDS

WHEN:           Thursday, May 28, 2009 @ 12 noon

WHERE:        Steps of City Hall
                        New York City