Senator Fuschillo Secures State Funding for Small Business Economic Development Programs
New York State Senator Charles J. Fuschillo, Jr. (R-Merrick) today announced that he secured state funding to help promote small business and economic development programs.
The funds will be used to help defray the costs of Hofstra University’s “Operation Downtown” seminars for local small business owners. Through the programs, local small business owners and aspiring entrepreneurs can access information about a host of different business growth tools from experienced professionals free of charge. Programs are organized by Hofstra’s Business Development Center.
“Small businesses are the lifeblood of our local economy because they provide jobs for residents and revenue for local governments. At a time when there is a huge need to create new jobs, programs which help small business owners learn how to grow their businesses are especially vital,” said Senator Fuschillo.
“These free Operation Downtown seminars address topics of interest to business owners and aspiring entrepreneurs” said Richard V. Guardino, Vice President for Business Development at the Scott Skodnek Business Development Center at Hofstra University. “Topics such as Successful Marketing for Turbulent Times, How to Jump Start Your Business, How You Can Achieve the Winning Edge, Powerful Negotiation Skills and How to Make Your Customers Raving Fans are just some of the areas covered in previous seminars. Being able to continue these seminars during these difficult economic times is of critical importance to the small business owners on Long Island.”
Small business owners who would like more information about Hofstra’s “Operation Downtown” programs should call the Business Development Center at 516-463-7214.