Senator Bonacic Statement on Stockbridge Munsee Compact

John J. Bonacic

November 17, 2010

"Casinos have long been talked about in the Catskills but various road blocks have always gotten in the way. If Governor Paterson signs the Stockbridge Munsee Compact, as his office has told me that he will do, it is another opportunity to create jobs and rekindle tourism in the Catskills. The work will now shift to Washington to have the Federal government approve this casino. Senator Schumer and Senator Gillibrand have increased clout given the recent elections have made their Democratic Majority smaller. I am hopeful that both of them will use that clout to have the Obama administration approve what the Bush administration would not. I believe both of them understand the jobs which are at stake here and will work in support of having this casino come to fruition."
