Senator Larkin Announces Fish and Game Brochure Now Available Online
William J. Larkin Jr.
September 21, 2010
- Hunting and Fishing
Senator Bill Larkin (R-C, Cornwall-on-Hudson) announced that the 2010-2011 Fish and Game brochure, a convenient guide containing important information on fishing and hunting in New York State, is now available online by going to http://larkin.nysenate.gov.
"Each year, dozens of people call my offices because they either never received this brochure or because they want additional copies for their friends and family," said Senator Larkin. "Now, instead of waiting for what they need in the mail, these individuals and anyone else can just go to my website and print out, or simply review, the information they are after."
The 2010-2011 Fish and Game brochure includes general fishing regulations, hunting season dates, and other information designed to enhance one’s fishing and hunting experience.
"As I always do, I want to wish all sportsmen and women a very successful and safe hunting and fishing season," added Larkin.