Senator Fuschillo Announces Over $33 Million for Long Island Road Improvements

Charles J. Fuschillo Jr.

April 15, 2011

          Senator Charles J. Fuschillo, Jr. (R-Merrick) announced that Long Island will be receiving over $33 million in state funding for local road improvement projects.

          “Roads and highways are vital economic arteries which people use every day to go to work and conduct their daily business. We must ensure that they are continually maintained. This funding will help local governments ensure their roads are safe and functional for those who use them,” said Senator Fuschillo, Chairman of the Senate’s Transportation Committee.

          The state funding, which is part of the Consolidated Local Street and Highway Improvement Program (CHIPS), is being provided to Long Island’s County, Town, and Village governments to pay for construction, reconstruction, and improvements to roads and highways within their respective jurisdictions. The CHIPS funding was included as part of the recently adopted state budget. Improvement projects are chosen by each municipality.

          87 percent of the state’s 112,500 mile statewide highway system are maintained by local governments, according to the New York State County Highway Superintendents Association and the New York State Association of Town Superintendents of Highways.

          Nassau County Executive Edward P. Mangano stated "I thank Senator Fuschillo for helping to secure this much needed funding to help maintain and improve a very vital part of the community, our roadways.  Utilizing these funds we will be able to ensure that our roads are safe for our residents and also aesthetically pleasing to those who live and work here in our great county."

          "This CHIPS Funding is critically important on two fronts. It is essential that every possible measure be taken to maintain our infrastructure as it is essential to our economic recovery in the region", said LICA Executive Director Marc Herbst, "and to put our highly qualified trades professionals back to work after suffering prolonged unemployment."
