Klein Rallies to Save Funding for 4201 Schools in New York

Jeffrey D. Klein

March 10, 2011

Senator Klein Fights To Help Save Money That Supports Deaf, Blind and Physically Disabled Schools

BRONX, NY –  State Senator Jeff Klein (D- Bronx/ Westchester) joined concerned students, parents and educators during an Albany rally to save the funding for schools that serve deaf, blind and physically disabled students. 

The Bronx  is home to three of these schools otherwise known as 4201 schools -  Lavelle School for the Blind, St. Joseph’s School for the Deaf and New York Institute for Special Education.

“I am proud that these schools are a large part of New York’s education system and believe that the state should continue to support them,” said Senator Klein. "Circumstances such as these require all stakeholders to come together and identify a fair, equitable, and predictable funding process for these critically important institutions."


Students attending 4201 schools require specially trained teachers and staff and have been receiving funding from New York State for nearly 200 years. 


The proposed executive budget would prohibit trained professionals from participating in student evaluations, which help these children receive appropriate services even in home school districts. In addition, the alternative funding mechanism that the proposal recommends is a system that Chancellor Tisch and Commissioner Steiner and countless others acknowledge to be broken. This rate methodology, which inadequately provides for the 853 and special act schools, has forced significant indebtedness –approximately $35 Million.


Senator Klein and members of the Independent Democratic Conference have issued a letter to Governor Cuomo asking for his consideration to restore the state’s appropriation in support of 4201 schools, and allow professionals at these schools to assist local school districts in evaluating disabled students’ needs both for placement and services.


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