Another Hot Day in New York City!!

Malcolm A. Smith

July 21, 2011

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                           Contact:        Media Relations

July 20, 2011                                                  






NEW YORK – As New Yorkers brace for extremely steamy weather starting tomorrow and through the weekend, Con Edison customers can take the heat off their energy bills by using their electrical appliances wisely.

Con Edison will also have extra crews and support personnel available to respond to any service problems that occur during the heat wave. Con Edison reminds customers to report power interruptions or service problems online at, and on their cell phones and PDAs. They also may call 1-800-75-CONED promptly if they are experiencing any service difficulties.


Take a look at a Con Edison crew high in the sky on a recent hot summer day making repairs on an electrical line in Queens:

The company also reminds customers that $30 rebates are still available for customers who invest in cost-cutting Energy Star-rated room air conditioners. Watch and learn about the benefits of Energy Star air conditioners at


Applications for the $30 rebate can be downloaded at

Here are a few simple things customers can do to stay cool and save energy:

·       Change your air conditioner filters. Keep filters clean for peak efficiency.


·       CLOSE THE DOOR:  When using your room air-conditioner; close doors to keep the cool air in and the hot air out. If you have central air, block the vents in unused or vacant rooms.


·       Don’t let your air conditioning fly out the door. Storeowners who leave doors open with the A/C running could be subject to fines from the city. 

·       Set thermostats no lower than 78 degrees. Each degree lower increases cooling costs by 6 percent.


·       Turn off lights and other appliances, using a timer to turn them on as necessary. 


·       Run appliances such as ovens, washing machines, dryers, and dishwashers in the early morning or late at night when it’s generally cooler. Another alternative: Use a microwave to cook, or a barbecue outside, if possible.


·       Take Con Edison’s offer of a free programmable thermostat if you have central air conditioning. Program the thermostat manually or from the Internet. Turning off your air conditioner when you’re not there beats leaving it on all the time. Programming it to turn on before you return is a wise way to save on summer electric bills. To learn more about Con Edison’s free programmable thermostat, call 1-866-521-8600 or visit

There are more energy-savings tips available on Facebook at Power of Green, on Twitter @ConEdLiz and @ConEdSara and by downloading the company’s Power of Green iPhone app.

Con Edison continues to offer a host of energy-savings programs for homes and businesses. Customers can take steps to reduce energy usage this summer with rebates and incentives now available for energy-efficient appliances and cooling systems in their homes and businesses. To learn more or enroll, go to  or call 1-877-870-6118.