Senator Nozzolio Recognizes October 2011 as Domestic Violence Awareness Month

Michael F. Nozzolio

October 19, 2011

Continuing his aggressive efforts to strengthen criminal justice and victim services and raise awareness of violence against women, State Senator Mike Nozzolio is helping to recognize October as Domestic Violence Awareness Month.

“Domestic violence  is  a  tragic  crime  that  crosses  all ethnic,  age,  religious  and  socioeconomic boundaries. Every year, more than six million women are battered- more than 188,000 in New York State alone,” said Senator Nozzolio. “October is National Domestic Violence Awareness Month and raising awareness of domestic violence is necessary to educate citizens on the prevalence of the crime as well as the opportunities available for victims to get assistance.”

As Chairman of the Senate Crime Victims, Crime and Corrections Committee, Senator Nozzolio has been an outspoken proponent of victims’ rights and has been instrumental in fighting for legislation to increase penalties for domestic abusers and other violent criminals. This year, he authored and introduced “Brittany’s Law” (S.3645A), legislation that was adopted in the State Senate to create a statewide registry tracking violent felony offenders. Brittany’s Law is named for 12-year-old Brittany Passalacqua, who was brutally and savagely murdered along with her mother, Helen Buchel, at their home in Geneva, New York in November 2009.

“By putting measures in place for law enforcement to track violent offenders and keeping our communities informed of their whereabouts, Brittany’s Law will save lives and prevent future tragedy from occurring,” said Senator Nozzolio.

Senator Nozzolio has also fought for improved services and support for domestic violence victims. He previously secured State funding for the Legal Aid Society of Rochester and the Victims Resource Center of Wayne County to support an attorney to provide outreach, legal clinics and legal services to victims of domestic violence in our region. 

“The most effective way to prevent domestic violence is to provide counseling services and legal protections for victims,” said Senator Nozzolio. “As we recognize Domestic Violence Awareness Month, we remember the victims of domestic violence, including those who were killed as a result of family violence.  In their honor, we renew our vow to protect individuals from a crime that undermines the core of a family and destroys the lives around it."
