Senator Owen H. Johnson Applauds United Way’s YouthBuild Long Island
Owen H. Johnson
February 10, 2011

Senator Owen H. Johnson joined local officials to applaud the completion of one of the most energy efficient homes in New York. Students of United Way’s YouthBuild Long Island constructed the Brentwood home as part of a community development program and alternative education for young men and women.
“This program is a great opportunity for YouthBuild students,” Senator Johnson said. “The education in construction and green technology provides them with exceptional tools for future employment. I congratulate them for a job well done.”
The energy efficient home was made available to a deserving family through the Town’s affordable housing lottery. It replaced a formerly condemned home site that was donated by the Town of Islip Community Development Agency.
YouthBuild provides hands-on job experience building affordable green housing for low- to moderate-income people, with a strong focus placed on job opportunities in Energy Efficiency, Renewables, Weatherization, Energy Star construction, and Home Performance.
Upcoming YouthBuild projects include the construction of two more energy efficient homes in Brentwood and the renovation of a home in Westbury and one in New Cassel.
United Way’s YouthBuild Long Island is a free youth and community development program, and alternative school, that addresses core issues facing low-income communities. At YouthBuild, young men and women, ages 18-24, work towards their General Equivalency Diploma while learning hands-on job skills.
To find out more about United Way’s YouthBuild Long Island, visit their website at: WWW.UNITEDWAYLI.ORG/YOUTHBUILD