Foreclosure Prevention Aid

Shirley L. Huntley

April 14, 2011

News From New York State
Senator Shirley L. Huntley
For Immediate Release:
April 15, 2011
Contact: Antonio Rodriguez | | (518) 455-3531

**Press Release**

Foreclosure Prevention Aid is Vetoed

(D-Jamaica) New York State Senator Shirley L. Huntley is shocked and disappointed in Governor Cuomo’s recent decision to veto $1.5 million in Foreclosure Prevention Aid.  The funding was proposed by the Assembly Majority and was much less than what was asked for to keep state spending at a manageable and sustainable level.  Vetoing this proposed allocation truly demonstrates Governor Cuomo’s lack of support toward middle and working class families struggling to keep their homes.

“There are many not-for-profits, counseling agencies, and community groups that will be unable to sufficiently help those who are in the midst of having their homes foreclosed upon.  In the 10th Senatorial District, which I represent, we have seen high rates of foreclosures that outpace the state average.  Families and homeowners will have very places to turn to for help due to the lack of funding foreclosure prevention services will receive.  Many of these programs which provide legal help, counseling, educational awareness, and a host of other services will have to shut their door and turn people away” said Senator Huntley

Without resources and information to properly guide homeowners through a foreclosure process, many people will fall victim to scams including some that seek to “flip” houses for a profit.  Banks and Mortgage companies may take advantage of some people, determining they are not fully knowledgeable about the foreclosure process and can circumvent certain state laws and mandated procedural steps.

“The foreclosure crisis that hit our nation is still viable and many families have lost their homes as a result.  The Senate Democrats passed numerous laws from 2009-2010 that ensured protections for homeowners from banks and mortgage companies before they could put a home into foreclosure.  However, the efforts of my colleagues and I and the prospect of families and homeowners to keep their homes out of foreclosure have diminished greatly due to Governor Cuomo’s ill-advised decision.

Additional news available at and L. Huntley
New York State Senate Email | | 518-455-3531