Griffo Points to Senate Passage of Act to Help New Yorkers with Disabilities

Griffo Says Senate Act Could Help Over One Million New Yorkers With Disabilties

State Senator Joseph A. Griffo (R-C-IP, Rome) says that the State Senate passed legislation this week  – the Protection of People With Special Needs Act, which reforms and strengthens protections for more than one million state residents with special needs. The bill (Senate #7400) will enhance the safeguards for children and adults who are particularly vulnerable to abuse and neglect and receive care from New York’s human service agencies and programs.

“We’ve seen that the current rules and regulations to help our neighbors with special concerns have become weakened, or have not been enforced,” said Griffo. “We need to set standards to identify abuse issues earlier, to act on neglect faster and to implement policies that put an immediate end to suffering.”

Last week, Governor Andrew M. Cuomo proposed the legislation which establishes the Justice Center for the Protection of People with Special Needs; creates standard definitions for “abuse” and “neglect; strengthens statutes that make abuse of vulnerable or disabled persons a crime; and promotes transparency by requiring non-state operated and provider agencies to disclose the same records relating to abuse and neglect as state agencies are required to under the Freedom of Information Law.

Responsibilities for the new Justice Center for the Protection of People with Special Needs would include: 

* Ensuring that allegations of abuse and neglect are promptly, fully and effectively investigated, reported and prosecuted;

* Operating a statewide 24-hour hotline staffed by trained personnel to which mandated reporters will be required to report allegations of abuse and neglect;

* Requiring providers to implement corrective action plans to prevent future incidents of abuse and neglect;

* Developing a register that will contain the names of individuals found responsible for egregious or repeated acts of abuse or neglect, and barring such individuals from future employment in the care of people with special needs;

* Conducting the criminal history background checks for people applying to be an employee, volunteer or consultant at any facilities or provider agencies operated, licensed or certified by OMH, OPWDD, OASAS or OCFS;

* Providing oversight of the human services system, conducting death and abuse investigations, and identifying risks and best practices to promote improved quality of care for people with special needs; and

* Developing codes of conduct to which all workers who have regular contact with people with special needs must subscribe.

S.7400 passed the Senate by a vote count of 56-0 and was sent to the Assembly for their consideration.

[attached summary of  S.7400]
